"Can't write from DVD with Clone DVD????

Discussion in 'Copy DVD to DVDR' started by Appa, Jul 17, 2005.

  1. Appa

    Appa Regular member

    Jun 5, 2005
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    This is the first time that I have had this problem with Clone DVD. I am still on trial with it and am using Any DVD with it and am using option 1 "Copy Files".
    I get the error

    File OC:\ProgramFiles\ElaborateBytes\CloneDVD2\eraser\PAL\VIDEO_TS\VTS_01_O.IFO 2 TCE

    The System Cannot find the files specified.

    i don't know what I am doing wrong, the files are shown when I click Next.

    I hope that someone can help!!!


    I have written backups before and no problems????
  2. Appa

    Appa Regular member

    Jun 5, 2005
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    I again am reviving my post as I am really trying to decide if Clone DVD is a good program as this "error" keeps repeating itself when I am trying to do this one backup.

    I mentioned that I use Any DVD with Clone DVD and this is the first time that I have encountered this problem.

    I was hoping that an experienced Clone DVD User could advise how to deal with this problem.
    I am a Noob to Burning and don't even understand what the error message is all about.

    Please I need help in order to decide by Saturday if I am going to purchase the program.
    If this problem can't be fixed then the layout of money for the program will not really be worth it

    PLEASE, I would really appreciate replies.

  3. squizzle

    squizzle Active member

    Apr 19, 2004
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    Do you have any other burning software installed that you can try? Like Nero or Sonic or Roxio?

    Or is this problem happening when you are ripping?
  4. Appa

    Appa Regular member

    Jun 5, 2005
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    i did use my 1 Click DVD Copy and had no problems doing backups so I knew the problem was not with my BenQ Burner. ( A reminder that I use Any DVD along with my burning programs.)

    When I did an uninstall and Reg Supreme Clean of Clone DVD and then a Reinstall and used it with Any DVD I did a couple of backups and no problem occurred.

    What could cause this strange message to suddenly pop up and disappear after an uninstall and reinstall.
    The Version of Clone DVD that is installed is 2.8.51

    I don't want to purchase a program that will have strange little oddities like this and I have to do unistalls and reinstalls to get it to work properly.

    I look forward to comments, thankyou

    Last edited: Jul 21, 2005
  5. squizzle

    squizzle Active member

    Apr 19, 2004
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    I don't know, I haven't used it too much even though I do own it. I'd say keep using it for the trial period and see if you get that error again, maybe it was just that one movie.
  6. Appa

    Appa Regular member

    Jun 5, 2005
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    No, the problem was on 6 movies that I tried and then I gave up and used my 1 Click DVD copy.
    The version of Clone DVD is 2.8.51; the reason that I mention that is because after I was having these problems a message came on the screen that said that there was a new version available did I want it?
    I thought that may have meant, the complete version and not the trial version and so I did not click "OK".

    Is my version the current one?????
  7. squizzle

    squizzle Active member

    Apr 19, 2004
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    you're safe downloading the newer version. The trial and the retail versions are the exact same thing, just the trial only lets you use it for 21 days. Weird that you can't burn with CloneDVD. You're not doing anything with the DVD files before you try to burn them are you?
  8. haimback

    haimback Regular member

    Dec 20, 2004
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    Iv encountered this problem once or twice with clonedvd, ripping is fine but fails durring burn process. Although its a really user friendly prog it can be buggy and has resulted in more than one coaster. There is an option to burn with nero engine which i tried but still had the odd failure, if you can get a copy of nero be aswel just buring directly with it.
    Take your own advice there appa, personally i wouldnt shell out for the full version.

  9. Jerry746

    Jerry746 Senior member

    Oct 23, 2003
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    The only thing I see strange is that Clonedvd is looking for the files within itself. Make a folder and name it [bold]DVD WORK[/bold] or something like that and move the files to that location. Then try to open them again. Its also showing your files are in PAL format, I'm guessing this is a downloaded movie. If yes the download could be corrupt also. Just guessing here and suggesting a few things.

  10. Zenon003

    Zenon003 Guest

    I had a problem like this. I was told to use the vector engine and remove nero trial version from my PC, it worked after that on a pal movie I was backing up. I bought the full new version clone dvd 3 and I have not had anymore problems. Sometimes other burning software can cause a conflict with each other. If you can try to disable other burning software including incd if you have it. Some download movies can become a problem if you can try slowing down the burning speed and make sure your dvd writer is set to DMA. If you have a virus scan or firewall disable these as they have been known to mess up burning. I hope this helps if it doesn't try contacting the clone dvd support team.
  11. Appa

    Appa Regular member

    Jun 5, 2005
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    i did a full uninstall of Clone DVD and a Reg Supreme clean and reinstalled and everything went well after that???
    Don't know what to make of it and anyway did several successful burns of my discs, as backups.

    These all by the way were discs that I had purchased and not downloaded ones from the net. I don't do that.
    I have a library of select collectible dvd's that are basically concerts and a few good movies.

    i did purchase the Clone DVD and use it with Any DVD and have not had problems with it since this peculiar happening which was corrected by the ininstall/reg clean/reinstall.

    i thought that i should post this in order that members who might run across this issue know how i was able to resolve it.

  12. qwik4a6

    qwik4a6 Guest


    You do realize that clonedvd3 is a knockoff by a chinese website.

    The latest real version of CloneDVD is "2".

  13. Appa

    Appa Regular member

    Jun 5, 2005
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    Thankyou for making that correction on Clone DVD, as I have version 2.8.51 and after reading that previous post; I was really wondering why I just downloaded the latest version and yet mine was not current.
    It is very good that observations are made very quickly in these forums.

  14. Zenon003

    Zenon003 Guest

    Thank you for letting me know, I really had no idea. I am shocked to find this, Clone dvd 3 is a knock off from a chinese website. Does anyone know how this can be?
    I bought it on ebay in good faith and I thought it was the proper one. I feel so stupid to think I thought it was the real thing.. Thanks I will look into this.
  15. bilbo65

    bilbo65 Regular member

    Feb 24, 2005
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    Interesting. I didn't know Software companies marketed their products on E-Bay. :-D
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2005
  16. Zenon003

    Zenon003 Guest

    I thought I was buying a genuine program. I have bidded only once before and bought a new genuine unregistered program. I than registered it with the program makers once it was installed, I won't bid again after this.
    I should have known better! I have uninstalled dvd clone 3 and now I have downloaded the trial version, dvd clone 2, with a view to buy from Elaborate Bytes who I have found out is the real software company of this program. Thank you again to qwik4a6 who brought this to my attention...
  17. qwik4a6

    qwik4a6 Guest

    No problem. Mistakes can happen these days.

    Even if you do a google search, clonedvd3 is the 1st page that comes up.
    So one can assume many have made the same mistake, thinking this is the newest version.

    FYE, CloneDVD2 is very good at what it does, and very easy to use.
  18. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    Make a folder in your C drives root directory and call it anything that want to. Then review your setup and choose it as your destination folder. The problem that you're having is a file path problem.
  19. borhan9

    borhan9 Active member

    May 25, 2005
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    So is ur issue resolved???

    Just for ur reasurance i use CloneDVD 2 to make all my DVD Backups and i have had no problems but i use them in conjunction with DVD Decrypter and DVD Shrink.

    If u have any other problems let me know... the best way to use these programs to have success all the time is to use the programs in this order.

    1) DVD Dcrypter ripp to folder on Hard drive

    2) DVD Shrink too a sub folder in the original ripped folder( The sub folder will have the compressed version of the movie in it)

    3)CloneDVD 2 go through wizard and also remember to preserve menus and u will have the entire movie on the disc with no probs.

    Keep me posted...
  20. Zenon003

    Zenon003 Guest

    Thanks.. I have now got clone dvd 2 and burned 5 movies yesterday from my dvd rom drive to the dvd rewrite drive and the speed is great burned one 1 hr 35min movie from copying to finished writing in 40 minutes. My drives are set to DMA as well. Clone dvd 2 is the best. Thanks to all

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