Hello, I have some DivX movies that have audio problems on one drive (Maxtor I bought separately from my computer). When I play the movie, the audio is choppy throughout but the video is fine. However, when I copy the same movie to the hard drive that came with my computer, the audio plays perfectly. I have used about 35% of the Maxtor drive that my movies are in. All of my DivX movies have the choppy audio on this drive. I separated these movies to different folders on their own, thinking that there is a limit in size per folder, but the problem persists. Previously, they were working fine but all of a sudden these problems arose. I know Maxtors HDD's have a bad reputation and all, but is there any way around this?
it is an internal maxtor 200gb drive. when i go into the bios, it does not give me options to run it at a faster speed and whatnot. is there any other option(s) that i can change on this attached drive in order for the movies to run smoothly - as they do on my c:\ drive?
Unless they are dual booting to different OS's then the codecs are of course the same. Check the IDE controller to make sure that it isn't set to PIO. Is it PATA or SATA? Also how is it connected? Secondary, Slave, RAID, PCI card?