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DVD drive Help....need all Experts.

Discussion in 'DVD-ROM drives' started by qwik4a6, Jul 27, 2005.

  1. qwik4a6

    qwik4a6 Guest

    How do I explain this one....

    I have A lite-on DVD Combo drive (ltc-48161H). That works Except for putting an Actual DVD movie or DVD Disk into the drive( CD's work fine). If I do, it takes me to a BSOD error that says Machine Exception error. I have to manually reboot.
    I figured it must be the drive so I ordered an NEC DVD RW 3540A drive and installed it as the Master. It works fine, with DVD's etc. No BSOD errors. Not happy with just that, I decided to replace the Lite-on with another lite-on that I bought at Circuit City for $34.99. The new lite on is just a reg 16x DVD drive, no Rw for cds or dvds. So I go and remove the one that I think isn't working properly and I install the new one and make it the Slave to the NEC which is working. Turn on computer and place a DVD movie into the new drive and Bam....everything starts going haywire and eventually goes to the Same BSOD. So now this new drive is doing the same thing as the other lite on drive. Doesn't matter which combination either, master, Slave etc. Because before I got the NEC drive, the original Lite on was a master, all by itself.

    So I don't know what to think? For the Hell of it I updated my mobo bios, that didn't do anything. I updated all drivers and firmware for both Lite-on's and that didn't do anything?
    So what is it? Does the computer just not like Lite-on? But realize, about 6 months ago, th e last time I put a Dvd into the drive, it worked fine.......

    If you can figure this one, you are a jedi hardware master......
  2. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    what drives are on what cables & how are they jumpered as in master, slave or cable select??
  3. qwik4a6

    qwik4a6 Guest

    Both drives are on the same IDE cable, correctly linked and correctly set up as master and slave.

  4. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    try the nec or liteon as slave to the hd.
  5. qwik4a6

    qwik4a6 Guest

    I was thinking of trying that.....but haven't yet.

    The thing is... the Lite-on wasn't working with DVD's prior to getting the NEC. So I don't think it will matter in regards to master and slave setup combing with HD's.

    But the situation is so crazy, that it's worth a shot.
  6. qwik4a6

    qwik4a6 Guest

    I guess I could try this out.

    Primary IDE: HD Master, Primary DVD (lite-on)Slave.

    Secondary IDE: MASTER DVDRW (NEC), Secondary HD Slave.

    Might do this later tonight.

    I will report back at some point with results.

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