I've bought a Pinnacle ShowCentre 200, which only has a limited number of codecs it can handle. How can I change the codec on an AVI? On most, I get a picture, but no sound.
Hmmm, no edit button that I can see. I prolly should have said what codecs it does support, so you don't have to look up what the hell a ShowCentre 200 is. MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-2 VOB, MPEG-4 AVI, XviD, WMV9
You haven't listed what audio it supports. Because if it is the video that works, it is the audio that needs changing. I would think that it supports mp3 audio. Perhaps the files that don't work use AC3 or aac? mencoder.exe -ovc copy -oac mp3lame input.avi -o output.avi to convert to mp3 audio. -oac PCM for pcm audio. edit: There is an edit button. edit2: I believe it uses the Sigma EM8620L chipset so it should playback AC3 and aac fine.