I'm sure there's got to be a guide out there for how to do this, but I can't find it. I was wondering what the best program is to convert a raw AVI (that I captured off my DV camcorder) to Xvid. I tried using VirtualDub, but if I select Two-pass, it gives me an error and says it can't find the "stats" file. I was also wondering what some good settings to use in general are (if I don't care about encoding time, and I'm only concerned with the final quality/size of the file.) Basically I'm wondering how those release groups that encode TV episodes/movies in ridiculously good quality do it. I have quite a few high quality movies that are nearly two hours long, yet compressed to 700 MBs. Surely these people don't tinker with settings all day long for each episode/movie, right? I'm just looking for some decent settings I can reuse. Any help would be appreciated, thanks.
You captured to a raw file or a DV file? Because DV is not raw. For 2 passes you need to run the first, then the 2nd. No first pass means no stats file.
Nah, not a DV file. A raw AVI file. It's completely uncompressed. I did run the first pass, but it didn't make a stats file. Any ideas?
Why capture DV to RAW? DV would give you the same quality at a smaller size. Perhaps it just didn't put the stats file where you expected it. Where did you have it set to save? I think the default setting is the root of the working drive.