I just got a new game; and whene ever i start it up i get an error saying "The procedure point _AIL_set_sample_volume@8 could not be located in the dynamic link libary mss32.dll." I dont know whats going on so if you know how to fix it please help me.
If you had typed "mss32.dll" into Google, you would have been led to this site, so I did it for you!! Here's the link; http://www.dll-files.com/dllindex/dll-files.shtml?mss32 I'm leaving this here only because it may help someone else. I am not leaving it for your benefit, ensui555. I wish people like you would take a long walk off an incredibly short pier. Wasting our time. An incredibly pissed off Pulsar
all you have to is look for the dll in your comp...then move the one pulsar had been so kind to find......tto replace yours. Problem solved. I did it once or twice with various programs that got ate by viruses. If ya not computer savy, then use my search in your computer (start, search) to locate it and replace it. Bada Bing..prob solved. :>
That wont work. Go to the page and read the posted comments. A lot of people are having the same problem. I tried an older version of MSS32 and it couldnt locate 'volume@4' instead of 'volume@8' with v6.5. If you have any other suggestions it would be greatly appreciated.
if its no longer on the comp for whatever reason....correct me if i dont understand this....then put the dll in the proper directy and folder. I had outlook prob where It couldnt find a dll. So I downloaded the dll and put it into outlook express folder. Rebooted the comp and problem solved. Sometimes when you have a virus....the virus software will not be able to heal a file...so it deletes it instead. This is probally what is going on. So just put that where it goes. If not...then get a xp 2 setup disc. Shutdown the comp and reboot with the setup disk. It will come up with some options. I forget the actual sequence, but you go from one to the second page where it lists repair windows xp. Click it and walk away. It takes a while, but will fix any probs in the system. The latter is eay. If all else fails....then do a clean install. Use a wipe disk...wipe the harddrive. Then reinstall the os which is usally better than repairing. Just make sure to save serial numbers to programs...so you can redownload them. In this case I would save nothing unless necessary before wiping. Just in case it contains a virus. You dont want to put a virus back into a clean system. So just save serial numbers and redownload off the net or reinstall with discs you have.
mr pulsar im srry to say but i tried the link u posted earlier and i got the same error im going to try limewire like ur mr kinza said thank you for the suggestion
You should try and download Mss32.dll version 30.00 or or whatever (just call it version 3) I think that might work, I double clicked on my crack file and no error comes up.