My dvd reader can't read "Kingdom of Heaven"

Discussion in 'DVD2One forum' started by gonzo684u, Aug 5, 2005.

  1. gonzo684u

    gonzo684u Guest

    My soldier friend sent me this dvd from the middle east and it will play in my dvd player for the tv but when I tried to make a back-up of it my burner won't read it. According to the computer it shows that there are no files on the dvd. I made back-ups before with no problems from the middle east. So can someone please tell me what is going on. Thanks for reading.
  2. lisa32

    lisa32 Member

    May 23, 2005
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    First of all what kind of programs r u using? Also, maybe your burner b/c i have like 2 of them and sometimes one of them won't read a movie whereas other one will.

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