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Conversion Problems, Computer Freezing

Discussion in 'Video - Software discussion' started by Babsjohn, Aug 7, 2005.

  1. Babsjohn

    Babsjohn Guest

    My computer is getting a bit packed, so I started to take all the series' and all the other big films and files I have collected. I never pay a lot of attention to format, but when it came to it, nearly all the the series' were Xvid. No problem, I have WINAVI. Started it up, loaded the first few in, the conversion started and about ten minutes in the computer froze. I started it again, did the WINAVI thing off it went, ten minutes past everything was ticking along. Went out of the room, my computer was rebooting and recovering from a serious error when I got back.

    Fine. I took off WINAVI and started up DVD Santa. Put in four episodes. It did a few minutes then froze. I started it again after rebooting got through one episode, then it froze. I rebooted and copied the same files to disk, launched DVD Santa on my husbands computer and they converted. It isn't the series'.

    SO, I figured it must be the programmes, scoured the net and came up with VSO Divx to DVD full version. Started it up and.................boy is it fast.............it froze my computer.

    Three programmes can't be faulty so I have something on my computer that is.

    It may be related, it may not but I have Dachshund Integrator on here and I've run the auto repair on that. On the scan of the hard drive it comes up "serious error on Driver Header" then crashes the computer trying to repair it.

    Any ideas what it could be? What would stop three conversion programmes working? I'm going mad trying to figure it out.
  2. Minion

    Minion Senior member

    Sep 28, 2003
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    Well there could be a Few Reasons why this is Happening and Maybe something else, you never really Know with Computers...

    It could be that one of the Files you are trying to encode is Corrupted and when the encoder hits the corrupted File it just Crashes....

    Encodeing Files is a extremely CPU Intensive Opperation and will use up most if not all of your CPU"s Resources and when this Happens your CPU will Greatly Increase in temperature and when the Temp gets to a Certain point your PC will Either Shutdown, Reboot or Freeze Up/Crash ,,,

    So maybe you should check your CPU temperature when this Happens and see if that is your problem ,If you haven"t Opened up your PC in a while and Cleaned out all of the Dust then that will Hinder the Cooling Power of the Fans in your PC and decrease the Airflow in your case which will attribute to your CPU getting too Hot especially this Time of year when it is so hot out....

    Well good Luck
  3. Babsjohn

    Babsjohn Guest

    Thank you for your help. You were right about the CPU, it was running too hot. I have a temperature guage for the CPU on my case and it had been running hot. My computer is housed in a little cubby in my desk and to increase air circulation around it I keep one side of the case off. My husband in his wisdom had replaced the side without mentioning the fact. I knew my computer was too hot, but I never dreamed that it would have such an effect on converting. Side is back off and the problem solved.

    Thank you again.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 9, 2005
  4. annzy

    annzy Guest

    Minion you are a genius! I was having the same problems. I didn't take anything off the back of my computer, because I don't really know what I'm doing but I managed to hoover most of the dust off the fan and already my computer is running faster and not freezing. Thank you!

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