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xb hard drive

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware mods' started by xMoldx, Aug 10, 2005.

  1. xMoldx

    xMoldx Member

    Aug 10, 2005
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    can u put more than one hard drive in an xbox?
    my friend has an old xbox that isnt workin and i was gonna take the hd from his xbox and add it to my xbox is that possible?
  2. Ichijoe

    Ichijoe Regular member

    Aug 6, 2005
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    You would need an Xtender Casemod in order to use up to three HDD's in a single XBOX™. Allthough you will only be able to any one Drive at any one time.

    Just some things to take note on Every HDD in use on the XBOX™ Gameing Console has to be Locked with a very large key IIRC (and I could be wrong),. It's been a long time since I had to deal with this topic. But IIRC it's a 64-bit Key. The basic upshot is if your friends HDD was never unlocked to begin with. You will not be able to unloke it ever! As this Key depends on the S/N and Online Key to make up the HDD Key.

    The other problem with this thought, is that from the sound of it your Friend has a Stock 10 or 20Gb HDD. Why waste the time on such junk? Granted a 10Gb Drive is a 10Gb Dive. But, that's just enough to store up to 2 ok mabye 3 Games MAX. Now if this is a 100Gb+ HDD I'd say get the Unlock Key (if you can!!), and snag it!!!
  3. xMoldx

    xMoldx Member

    Aug 10, 2005
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    ok cool
    i got halo 2 on my hd now and i have almost no space left on it now i want a new hd. im thinking of getting a 120 gb hd.
    i dont know wether i shud spen another 60 to get a 120 gb hd with the programs installed or a 120 gb hd for 100 and install the programs myself.
    and if i do get the one without the programs installed
    how do i get the programs on it will i be difficult or relatively simple?

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