I'm trying to edit out a scene of an xvid movie. Unfortunately I've been told that I have to reencode the section of the movie in order to realign the keyframes (when I simply tried to cut it out the first time the vid always started a few seconds too early). So now i'm using TMPG 3.0 express to try and reencode it. I extracted the audio from the source vid using Virtual dub as a wav file and used that as the audio source for my new vid. Now when I get to the Set Output part and it asks me what method to use to encode the audio I select Mp3. It only allows me to encode as high as 56kbitrate tho (the original is 128cbr). I don't understand why this is happening. Help would be appreciated! =) http://img211.imageshack.us/img211/1268/17kb1.jpg
Why are you using TMPGEnc??? Just use VirtualDub. Set the audio to direct streaming (default setting). The reason why you only have 56k max is because the codec that comes with windows is capped at 56k. You need to install the uncapped version or say LAME ACM instead. But like I said, better to just reuse the audio.