... Have you purchased this unit yet? I'd recommend buying a more mainstream unit ... ... On a lighter note •• Hideki Matsui is a damn good ballpalyer ...
... The only model that I've had personal experience with is the LiteOn LVW-5005 .. I liked it so much that I recently bought another ... .. Digital FAQ rates the JVC #1 followed by Pioneer ... LiteOn, ilo and LiteOn clones are #3 .. . A lot of people seem to like the ilo and it can be had at WalMart for under $100 .
Thanks for the links. I wish I could say the same about the 5005, but mine simply refuses to read any disc other than CD-R. It worked perfectly for three months, during which time I transferred about 50 vinyl albums onto CD (could this have caused the problem?) but the minute I hooked it back up to the TV the problems began.