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Metroid Prime

Discussion in 'Nintendo Gamecube - General discussion' started by TheWizz, Aug 25, 2005.

  1. TheWizz

    TheWizz Guest

    Having problems with metroid prime (rare release), game keeps locking up in the same place on the first level. Tried burning onto a new disk (ritek G04) and exactly the same, in about ten tries only got past this point once.
    The screen freezes and a whining sound like locked audio coming from TV.
    Using viper GC and cobra bios 1.2

    Anyone else had this, and got a solution?
  2. boki2002

    boki2002 Guest

    probably the game. try loading it via different methods. PSo!
  3. TheWizz

    TheWizz Guest

    What do you mean load by different methods?
    I thought there was only one method with the viper, direct boot option 1?
  4. boki2002

    boki2002 Guest

    lol. i meant use PSO and a broadband adapotor. Sorry. When i dl the game i will c if it works good with me.

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