I picked ALL the files in Dvd Encryptor Mode File, and ripped it to my hard drive. Then I opened dvd2one and select only main movie which takes me to the menu with all the files. Theres only 1 file thats 1:40:57 with 28 chapters but when I burned it using nero and played it, its all the directors comments? Theres 26 Titles, and the 2nd biggest one is only 27:24 with 2 chapters. I checked the original dvd itself and compared the video ts folder with the one decryptor made and its exactly the same thing. I tried selecting Full Disk with dvd2one but said that "Error Adjusting The Ifo File. It does not Match With the Vob File. For Full Disk Copy You need to copy all the file in the dvd in file mode." Why isnt my main movie in Dvd2one??? Even if I did copy all the files for full disk I doubt it would have fit without being compressed. So far I tried DvdxPlatinum, DvdShrink(Data Relunctancy Error), Trying to back up brand new copy of Triple X.
Ended up the directors comments could be switched to a different audio track by hitting audio on my remote, went from directors comments to 2.1 to 5.1 Very Wierd
Yeah i had that same problem with Intervideo DVDCopy3 many times doing the movie only. i did the movie with CloneDVD2 and anydvd with CloneDVD2 it will give you the option too pick the audio you want (doing the movie only) so you may try the program out to see how you like it its a free trial with anydvd ,heres the link http://www.slysoft.com/en/support.html
>>>>Very Wierd <<< Actually, this is "very normal." My guess is that whichever software you were using just managed to get one of the settings "checked" or "unchecked," as many of them have an option hidden somewhere to "set default audio stream," or "keep default audio stream," etc. If you ticked one of these incorrectly, it can cause an audio stream to become the "default" one, even though it may not be the one you would prefer to have. These options can be useful (some people prefer a DTS track to a Dolby Digital 5.1 track, and would like to be able to control which one automatically starts up when they pop in a backed up disc. But, you (almost) always have complete control over all included audio streams by just hitting that "audio" button on your remote control. If you re-author a disc, I believe you ALWAYS have this control, even though a few commerical discs force you to go into a menu if you wish to change to a DTS track, or to begin a director's commentary. You might restore your default settings in whatever program you were using, to avoid this occurring again. -Bruce
in the audio section on dvd2one you need to select ac2channel or dts 5.1..... unchecked any others if they are checked