I am trying to download the hack for the recorder to remove macrovision for the DVDR04 ILO. This is what I did: 1. Went to this website http://ilohacker.tripod.com/ Downloaded the ILO/Liteon Firmware hacker (version 1.5b) When I try to click on select firmware button, it says it is not there. Could someone tell me where to go to download the appropriate firmware to remove the macrovision? Version 451S (original model)is my model.
Try this site: http://ncc2315.com/ilo/ And if you're still having problems, go here: http://www.techolio.com/forums/phpBB2/viewforum.php?f=7
ok- I downloaded the 1097 Version 451S MV/LP Hacked and saved it to desktop. When I click on select firmware file and try to open what I save onto desktop it tells me Error: Could Not Find Macrovision Hex String! What am I doing wrong?
You need to go to the 2nd site -catfreek gave in post] Read Guitarman instructions. His site has an already hacked version of the file you need. Use it. [catfreek 1st site] The file needs to be burned to a CD -R disk and the firmware file must be the ONLY FILE on the disk. I have an ilo DVDRHD04
The version you downloaded is already hacked. Just burn it to a CD. After the 1097 update, make sure to download and install the 1098RevB hacked update.
Finalize means go to the setting on the menu to finalize the disk to enable it to play on other dvd players. By the way, this recorder blew me away when I discovered it would play PAL (European) DVD's on my NTSC (US) television. I did reset the region code to region free using the instructions on an internet website.