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TO MODDERS i need one

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware mods' started by acbella, Sep 1, 2005.

  1. acbella

    acbella Guest

    Alright all i have been trying to get a mod done for about five months. I need them to be in the Springfield Missouri area. IF any one knows someone will you please help me out. Found a guy with the best deal to get it done but no luck with the help of parent think it is too much money to be shipped from here to St Louis appromimently 3 hours way by car.

  2. PimpDawg

    PimpDawg Guest

    So, your saying that you want someone to install a modchip in your Xbox, and you've been looking for someone for the past 5 months! Damn...

    Well, if your interested at all in shipping your Xbox, PM me...
  3. Matador

    Matador Regular member

    Jul 3, 2003
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    Just softmod it, its so easy to do.And then so some reason it didn't work.Send it to PimpDawg so he can fix it..lol
  4. acbella

    acbella Guest

    Currently I do have a softmod on it. ehhh.....it is alright but have pretty much everything to do what i wish with the xbox once i get the money for shipping and such.

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