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The easiest PS2 Mod ever.

Discussion in 'User submitted guides' started by Jbomb, Sep 9, 2005.

  1. Jbomb

    Jbomb Member

    Sep 1, 2005
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    Need an easy way to swap discs? Don't really feel like sticking a slide card somewhere underyour drive tray and potentially breaking your beloved game console in the process? Sick of slide cards altogether? Don't really want to spend $35 bucks on a flip top mod? Check this out. This works, for some reason, and if I, a 22 year old overnight stocker in the electronics department at a Wal Mart can do this, you can to.

    No, this works only for the "old" Playstation 2 model. It might work for the new ones, but I don't have one. Plus, the older model is better anyway because you can use an HDD and HDLoader with it, and that thing is awesome.

    Now, you are going to end up voiding the warranty. Kiss your chances of returning your Playstation 2 goodbye forever, because you are seriously going to fusk some shit up, but that's ok, because this works. I think. It hasn't really screwed me up yet.

    Okay, I'm assuming that you know how to open your Playstation 2, and if you don't, there is another guide for that somewhere else, but I'm sure you can probably find your way around that mess. Open it up, you know where you are, you see the CD cover that looks like a black waffle, and you'll see the drive tray underneath when you unscrew the screws and put the cover away, but remove the little white disc thing because you are going to definitely need that for later. At this point, you will never need the cover again, so forget it. Throw it away, melt it down, give it to your brother, whatever. I don't care. It's gone forever. It's a memory. The same can be said about your drive tray. Unscrew that thing, throw it out, it's history. Now, you may wonder to yourself, "Wow, Jordan told me to throw away my drive tray, he must be some kind of psychotic moron because what is the disc supposed to sit on?" The truth is that the disc doesn't really have to sit on anything at all. You can put it on the rubber part that spins the CD anyway. It will stay on there, just watch. Put your game on the rubber part, then take the white thing from before and stick it on so that it clicks on, and secures the disc in place. Now, if all went as planned, and it really should have because this was easy, your disc will hardly ever even skip or need to be touched up. Plus, there will be no more wear and tear because there is basically nothing for it to wear or tear against. You don't even have to put the top back on ever again. You could if you want, but you would have to open up your console every time you wanted to change a game because you wouldn't be able to access the game inside otherwise. At this point, I would suggest removing the eject and power buttons and taping them somewhere safe, so that the flimsy silver piece never comes out (which is the most annoying thing in the free world to fix). Seriously, this works. And Sony could save about 20 dollars on production if they designed them this way. No cover, no drive tray, and no drive cover. Just do it. You'll see that it works.
    And disc swapping is just a matter of taking off the magnet and putting a new disc on the rubber part and snapping the magnet back on.

    Now, as Toxicbomb told me, the cd
  2. Jbomb

    Jbomb Member

    Sep 1, 2005
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    My post my cut halfway, before i even got the part that explained what to do. Basically, you rip the drive tray out, get rid of the CD cover, and then place the game directly on the rubber part. Take the white piece out of the CD cover case and put it on top of the CD, which should be on top of the rubber part. Somehow, it holds the game in place, and it runs better than it ever did before. Even if the game is scratched and horrible, it still seems to work better. I don't know why, no one does. Unfortunately, you can never put the top of the case back on, so it will always look like it's half broken, so I'd suggest putting a cover over it. DO this only if you don't care what your game systems look like. However, it is the easiest way to modify a Playstation 2.
  3. DVDBack23

    DVDBack23 Administrator Staff Member

    Jun 19, 2005
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    Has anyone tried this besides the author? Does it work?

    Regardless, nice guide, J Bomb.
  4. twolf1999

    twolf1999 Member

    Aug 12, 2005
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    This is basically what you do with a flip-top system. The only difference is that the flip-top cover makes your ps2 look nice. The flip up tray houses the little white magnetic thing. I actually have a flip-top and I have to leave the flip-top up, take the white thing out and put it directly on the disc for it to work anyway. So you are just paying for a cosmetic "enhancement" when you buy a flip-top.

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