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ADS capture with Nero

Discussion in 'Video capturing from analog sources' started by gobills, Sep 10, 2005.

  1. gobills

    gobills Guest

    I currently use an Ads DVDXpress capture device to capture on Ulead MovieFactory, I have recently got Nero and was trying to capture on Nero but it doesn’t recognize the Ads capture device, is there anyway to have it recognize it, or is there another device I can get to use with Nero. I would just like to be able to use one program to do everything if its possible. If there is a better way to do any of this, I would really appreciate any advice. Thanks in advance for the help.
  2. n0v0n

    n0v0n Guest

    Hi gobills:
    First what R U trying to do?
    VHS to DVD?
    DVD to DVD?
    I use my VideoXPRESS to convert VHS to DIGITAL first.
    VideoXPRESS removes the MACROVISION encryption.
    Than I tape the converted & decrypted movie and edit it with VIDEO STUDIO 9.
    The hard part is to fit a large movie into a small DVD, but with patience you can accomplish that too.

    keep me posted

    every rule has an ecxeption...
  3. gobills

    gobills Guest

    Im capturing from a video camera, its for my church, we record the services and put them on DVDs. I just liked the menu options with nero better but if it will work better to use Video Studio, I can be flexable :)
    thanks for the advice
  4. n0v0n

    n0v0n Guest

    Let me assume that you have a DIGITAL CAMCORDER, that has a mini DV tape.
    If you could provide me the brand I would appreciate it.
    you have to hook up your camcorder to your PC.
    Open up your video editing program and click on CAPTURE
    After all is done, you need to EDIT the movie,or keep it in its entire lenght.
    Next you need to click on SHARE.
    Than click on MAKE MOVIE FILE.
    ...and last but not least...click on make DISC
    Select DVD...and let it rip.
    I´m taking all this info from ULEAD VIDEO STUDIO 9 and from my head.

    let me know

    every rule has an exception...
  5. n0v0n

    n0v0n Guest

    If you have a video camera that tapes VHS...let me know.
    There´s a different process...
    Attach the cables from ADS VIDEO XPRESS to be back of your VCR and to your PC.
    Transfer the original tape to your PC using MOVIE FACTORY.
    Make a movie file and than make copy it to a DVD.
    You also can make a SVCD on a CD.

    every rule has an exception...
  6. gobills

    gobills Guest

    Im using a sony handycam that uses the Hi8 tapes, everything works fine going thru movieFactory, I was just wondering how to capture video going thru nero. nero does not recognize the capture device

    and thanks again for taking time to help me out
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 11, 2005

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