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The Stone Ages - Yet another problem with encoding

Discussion in 'DVD / BD-Rebuilder forum' started by Lumbastio, Sep 15, 2005.

  1. Lumbastio

    Lumbastio Member

    Aug 27, 2005
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    After using Remake Pro to edit the DVD, I saved it in my HD and then prepared and encoded using RB. The encoder was CCE SP and 4 passes. Of course, it took about 13 hours to encode. I just tried to rebuild - the process completes almost 100%, but at the very end I get this damn error: "Error in UpdateIFO:VTS_01 VOBID: 01/CELLID: 10 was not found in VOB."
    If you have ANY idea what is going on, please let me know. I am very aggravated - I have spent many hours of research searching and reading how to burn DVDs in the best manner possible and now I have the best software, the best hardware, and the best media. The fact that I am still getting an error incenses me out of my wits. I mean what is going on here? Are we still in the stone age of DVD burning? Why so many goddamn programs to burn a single DVD? It's either spend all your time doing research and solving problems or don't burn a DVD at all (or burn it with crappy results, the same thing.)
    We have 5 different programs to do a single job - burn a DVD. This turns out to be quite a pain in the a**. I don't care about movies or PC games - I'm just trying to copy about 30 or so operas with the highest quality possible. If these problems continue any longer, I'm about to just give this all up and and go spend a bunch of money and buy some 50 DL DVD's, but I still don't feel like spending $150 on the media after a week of exhaustive research. Thank god that the only software I ever paid for was the 10 bucks for the Rebuilder. There is definitely something wrong with the process of high quality DVD burning. We are still pretty much in the stone ages, or maybe worse.

    Forgot: When I go to the output folder, it seems that all the video files are completely rebuilt, yet the audio folder is completely empty. At this point I'm guessing that something went wrong during encoding so I'll have to redo it. Isn't it great? I'll get to spend another 13 hours encoding because the first time the software failed. This is very fun guys, you should try it sometime!
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2005
  2. l8nights

    l8nights Guest

    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 16, 2005
  3. andmerr

    andmerr Guest

    No it's meant to be empty but its a neccessary part of the process.What basically happens is that when the files are separated there is audio in the audio_ts folder and video in the video_ts .But when the encoding is finished both files both audio and video are merged back to one file and it appears that there is nothing in the audio folder.

    You need to give us some more info including including your pc stats, the five programs that you are using.
    Any errors you recieve?
    What did you use to get it to your hard drive the 1st time round?
    Do you own shrinkdvd/tmpgenc dvd author /any avi converter programs?
  4. Lumbastio

    Lumbastio Member

    Aug 27, 2005
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    I remember burning a DVD and the audio folder was not empty. It might be empty because of the error. Regarding the errors, the only one I received was the one I wrote about in my first post. My PC specifications and software are all in my footnotes. Here, I'll copy just in case:

    XP SP2
    512MB RAM
    Pentium IV CPU 1.80GHz
    NEC 3540A
    [InterVideo DVD Copy 3]

    BEST QUALITY DVD BURNING (in order of function):
    1) Any DVD 5.4
    2) DVD Decrypter
    3) DVD Remake Pro 3.1
    4) DVD Rebuilder 1.00RC51Pro
    5) CCE SP (unlimited trial)
    6) Nero 6.6 Ultra

    I used Decrypter to get the DVD into HD the first time.
  5. UncasMS

    UncasMS Regular member

    Aug 28, 2005
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    it's perfectly fine this way

    hardly ever will you find ANYTHING inside the audio folders

    i bet you messed up your source material with a crap/illegal version of remake

    maybe you should start using dvd rebuilder without preprocessing

    you dont seem to be familiar with various steps one might take on the way to a dvdbackup

    so better take a reliable path first before trying to be too daring!?
  6. andmerr

    andmerr Guest

    THE ram should be fine but you can only get so much out of 512, i am running 1024.As to the processor its fine but a faster processor will produce quicker results only marginally.You do realise that the programs you are using are very resource hungry and they take 100% of your system recources to accomplish the task of encoding.This in effect means that you cant do anything else while the process is being done and if you are this is where errors start to creep in.

    You mention you have nero installed.Time to produce the logs so that we can see whats actually happening and also the one for the encoder.
    Have you been updating this software?

    Do you have dvd shrink.For starters just try to backup a dvd.Dont worry about any fancy things, just put the disc in your drive and select backup.Follow the prompts and let us know if you have any probs

    This is pointless spending the money when you havent got a process that works yet.All you are going to accomplish is probably coaster upon coaster.

    have you considered that your program might be the reason and is not compatible with what you want to achieve.

  7. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    What version of Remake are you using? If you break a PGC chain you could make your DVD non compliant. Here's a strange little fix that works sometimes. Run it through DVD Shrink with no compression.

    Lastly, just like everyone else has said the Audio folder is usually empty.
  8. Lumbastio

    Lumbastio Member

    Aug 27, 2005
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    Ok. I prepared and re-encoded the files created by Remake. I GOT THE EXACT SAME ERROR, yet this time the process took an hour less because I had closed most of my security software. So the error is here to stay.
    Some of you suggested that the problem might be with CCE. This is not possible because a few days ago I made a PERFECT copy of a Mozart opera using just two passes. The file was 7.26 GB, but the quality was breathtaking. So CCE is out, unless you think that four passes might create problems. I don't.
    My DVD Remake is 3.1 Pro version, just as listed. I know a lot about software because that's where I'm a pro: When a program is cracked, it either works completely or does not work at all. DVD Remake is fully functional and just becase I didn't pay for it, it doesn't mean that it is the source of the problem. On the other hand, it was my first time using the program and maybe I deleted files that I shouldn't have deleted. Do you have any ideas if that is possible? DVD Remake is indeed a bit complicated and even though I read the guide, I think it was full of unhelpful BS. Several days ago I posted a thread asking about where can I find a good discussion about using Remake, yet I was simply told to download the official guide. That wasn't helpful. So what I will do now is to use Shrink to edit the DVD (I only need to remove the FBI warning, foreign subtitles, and extra audio channels, all of which Shrink should be able to handle. RB Pro should be able to do some of it too.) Then I'll do the process all over again, as much as I hate to.
    I definitely agree, it is a waste of money to buy DL DVDs. That's why I'm still here.

    Sophocles, what do you mean my PGC chain and what difference would it make if I run the DVD through Shrink? Do you mean to edit first with Shrink and THEN re-edit with Remake Pro 3.1?

    I didn't get to burning to use Nero, but this time I decided to go ahead and burn. I got some error about relocating DVD files. Here is the Nero log:

    Windows XP 5.1
    WinAspi: File 'Wnaspi32.dll': Ver=4.57 (1008), size=48128 bytes, created 12/22/1997 5:23:24 PM
    ahead WinASPI: File 'C:\Program Files\Ahead\Nero\Wnaspi32.dll': Ver=, size=164112 bytes, created 10/26/2004 6:35:34 PM
    Nero Version:
    Internal Version: 6, 6, 0, 13c

    Recorder: <_NEC DVD_RW ND-3540A> Version: 1.01 - HA 1 TA 1 -
    Adapter driver: <atapi> HA 1
    Drive buffer : 2048kB
    Bus Type : default (0) -> ATAPI, detected: ATAPI
    CD-ROM: <_NEC DVD_RW ND-3540A >Version: 1.01 - HA 1 TA 1 -
    Adapter driver: <atapi> HA 1

    === Scsi-Device-Map ===
    DiskPeripheral : MAXTOR 6L040J2 atapi Port 0 ID 0 DMA: On
    CdRomPeripheral : HL-DT-ST CD-RW GCE-8481B atapi Port 1 ID 0 DMA: On
    CdRomPeripheral : _NEC DVD_RW ND-3540A atapi Port 1 ID 1 DMA: On

    === CDRom-Device-Map ===
    HL-DT-ST CD-RW GCE-8481B D: CDRom0
    _NEC DVD_RW ND-3540A E: CDRom1

    AutoRun : 1
    Excluded drive IDs:
    WriteBufferSize: 74448896 (0) Byte
    ShowDrvBufStat : 0
    BUFE : 0
    Physical memory : 510MB (522736kB)
    Free physical memory: 359MB (368168kB)
    Memory in use : 29 %
    Uncached PFiles: 0x0
    Use Inquiry : 1
    Global Bus Type: default (0)
    Check supported media : Disabled (0)

    UDF/ISO compilation
    7:13:22 PM #1 Phase 112 File dlgbrnst.cpp, Line 1832
    DVD-Video files reallocation started

    7:13:22 PM #2 DVDREALLOC -21 File DVDVideoCompilation.cpp, Line 1183
    Required file 'VTS_01_6.VOB' is not present

    7:13:22 PM #3 Phase 115 File dlgbrnst.cpp, Line 1832
    DVD-Video files reallocation failed

    Existing drivers:
    File 'Drivers\ASPI32.SYS': Ver=4.57 (1008), size=23936 bytes, created 12/22/1997 6:02:46 PM
    File 'WNASPINT.DLL': Ver=V1.18, size=57344 bytes, created 11/5/2002 3:16:52 PM
    File 'Drivers\PXHELP20.SYS': Ver=2.03.28a, size=20640 bytes, created 3/11/2005 3:28:13 PM (Prassi/Veritas driver for win 2K)
    File 'Drivers\atapi.sys': Ver=5.1.2600.2180 (xpsp_sp2_rtm.040803-2158), size=95360 bytes, created 8/3/2004 10:59:42 PM (Adapter driver for rec)

    Registry Keys:
    HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\WinLogon\AllocateCDROMs : 0 (Security Option)

    The error said that if I went ahead with burning, the DVD would be unplayable in players, so I cancelled.

    I am hoping that this error is not another one of those problems created by RB.
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2005
  9. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    Running it through DVD Shrink with no compression can make it compliant. Some believe that DVD Shrink does nothing under no compression but it's not true.

    I've had a pleasant on line relationship with dimad over the last year or so and I don't support anyone who uses his efforts for free.

    (dimad! remember that when you do your next upgrade LOL)
  10. arniebear

    arniebear Active member

    Jan 2, 2005
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    Edit out your serial number you would not want someone using it for free would you.

    Also, your Nero program is not up to date, current version is
  11. Lumbastio

    Lumbastio Member

    Aug 27, 2005
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    Sophocles, when I like a program and believe that the creator has gone to extra lengths to help the user, I am always for rewarding. This is why I have paid for the Rebuilder because I believe that what Jerry did is remarkable. I don't know a lot about dimad, but I don't regard him as highly as jdobbs (no offense to you, even though you had a good rapport with dimad.) If I find that his software is indeed useful for me, then I might decide to buy it. But for now I can't even use it properly and am "trying" the software, if you will. So, it would be great if we put these subtleties aside and get down to the heart of the matter - if your expertise in DVD burning gives you ideas about the cause of my error, I would appreciate your input. I have already found several of your posts very helpful, including the one about the Apple Lossless format, and know that you are knowledgable in the burning area. Do not forget: neither you, nor I, nor anyone else is clean in this or any other forum since DVD burning is not exactly legal. So let's just leave this at that.

    Hey why not? If some poor bastard doesn't have the resources to get Nero for himself, I am not against it. But since you mentioned it, I had to remove it to conform to the regulations of this forum (see, I follow rules too.) Many wouldn't realize it its there anyway.
    Now why would you mention that I need to upgrade Nero? It's not related to my problem. What I need is constructive input. But to answer, I'm waiting to get version 7, instead of going through these minor snack updates.
  12. Lumbastio

    Lumbastio Member

    Aug 27, 2005
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    Sophocles, I forgot. Are you saying that even under "No Compression" Shrink compresses the DVD and leaks quality? I already used that function and even if it's ture, I didn't see any difference between the original and the uncompressed Shrink version.
  13. l8nights

    l8nights Guest

    @ Lumbastio the difference is there in shrink under no compression it may be insignifigant to you due to your set-up. But none the less it is there!! he is saying it is a test of srts for compliancy to run it through shrink if it can be fixed that way it will be otherwise If you still own the original why not listen to those that offered the advice to not use remake and just keep it simple run the original through rb see if you can notice any quality loss (if you couldn't notice any in shrink it is very unlikely that you will notice any in rebuilder) this could be the only problem there could be a corruption that formed in the file during the remake process. I don't know what your exact title is but I'm pretty sure I have not done any opera's of late so maybe some one else could give advice if they only knew what the source disk is/was quite possible there are variables un encountered before by the vast majority here details are key you will not scare anybody off by not providing them!
  14. Lumbastio

    Lumbastio Member

    Aug 27, 2005
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    l8nights, when I said that there is no difference when using uncompressed ripping through Shrink, I meant that the file size is almost unchanged. I have used DVD Shrink before, without any problems, but the quality for me is horrible. After I ripped via the uncompressed option, I still imported it into RB and right now I'm encoding it using CCE SP again. So that is what I meant. If the quality is altered by Shrink, then I would prefer to not use it in the future and I have no idea why would the author name the function "uncompressed" when in fact it is not true. This is ridiculous.
    As I said, I have used a different title to burn through RB/CCE without Remake and the result was great, but I need to use Remake. If the title really matters, here you go:

    Tristan und Isolde by Richard Wagner; National Theater Munich; Conductor - Zubin Mehta. MMI Image Entertainment, 1999.

    This is the same title that I tried burining using InterVideo DVD Copy 3 and got a heavily pixelated playback. I burned it twice and the results were always consistent.
  15. l8nights

    l8nights Guest

    still the same the option is uncompressed not unprocessed just because the file remains the same size does not mean it has the same make-up you would be better using the dvddecrypter if you want an exact copy of what is on the disk!personally I don't think this to be so rediculous as you suggested I think it to be common sense but only after a year and maybe 500 copies later I think you might just spend some time w/ the basics if you tweak to much you run the risk of not knowing what tweak it was that skewed the final product does just ripping then rebuilding and burning not work for this title. Why is it you feel you should dive in the deep end if you don't know if you can swim????????
  16. Lumbastio

    Lumbastio Member

    Aug 27, 2005
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    I apologize, but your comments are not well organized and I don't grasp everything that you are trying to convey. I must have the best copy of the DVD possible and if that means that I have to dive all the way to the bottom and dig even deeper into ocean floor, so be it. Many people attempt to swim all their lives, but before they know it, they're out of time. There are some excellent pros in here whose knowledge can be utilized to decipher the intricacies of the DVD burning. As for the basics, just reading a guide will suffice, which I have done already. So I don't agree with your philosophy.
    Originally, I used Decrypter to burn the files into HD. With Shrink,I didn't rip directly from the DVD, but used the files ripped by Decrypter. I had to use Shrink because extras, such as audio and menus, had to be removed. If you have any suggestions about resolving the error, it would be much more helpful than a discussion about philosophy! Let's try to be more succinct.
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2005
  17. andmerr

    andmerr Guest

    theres a real easy way to get the best possible quality, why not buy it.I know thats a novel approach when you have all the tools available on this site to reproduce it but some times it really comes down to, if its that good you may as well purchase it.With my manga, i only have originals but with other movies well i'm not that particular.I get good and even great results but they arent as good as the manufactured ones
  18. Lumbastio

    Lumbastio Member

    Aug 27, 2005
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    Each DVD costs about $20 or more. With about 30 DVD's, you do the math. As long the DVD is available to copy, it makes sense to do it. This way, it will be possible to spend the spare money to get more DVDs, such ones that are unavailable to copy (and there are many.)
  19. andmerr

    andmerr Guest

    well yes there is that, my father has a collection of classical dvd and laser discs and cds .At last count think he had around 6,000.

    With him being a cellist and baritone and his wife also a cellist they are really into the classical scene.

    But your comment about the dvds being about $20 well that doesnt hold much water(still relatively cheap).My collection of anime dvds is worth about $5000 Australian dollars, approx 166 dvds.
  20. Lumbastio

    Lumbastio Member

    Aug 27, 2005
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    You're one lucky SOB, but I'm getting there too. I started listening to classical about 3 years ago, and currently my digital classical music library has reached 4,419 pieces by over 100 composers. You're lucky to live in Australia, otherwise I'd ravage you're father's library.
    Yes, of course. $20 is the cheapest. Classical DVD's can go for well over $30. So more reason to copy.
    The complete works by Bach or Mozart on CDs cost over $1000, and yet these are not the best performances.

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