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External TV Tuner Question PLEAse ASSIST

Discussion in 'Video capturing from analog sources' started by ThaSunGod, Sep 17, 2005.

  1. ThaSunGod

    ThaSunGod Guest

    hello, people... i have a question or more

    i'm usually running my TV+Computer all day because i'm unemployed, and my sister complains cuz of the electric bill, how i must limit my entertainment by restricting myself from doing one or the other... fortunately the tv can go..

    I have basic cable, channels 1-79 here in the US time warner, and i have things configured so that i can flip the channels and record programs using my vcr...


    are there any External TV Tuning cards? a reeeally good one, that would allow me to hook my VCR up to it VIA cable cord connection? and that has an input for a computer moniter so i can watch my programs on my pc without it being on all the time?

    Thanks and peace.
  2. ThaSunGod

    ThaSunGod Guest

    hmm something just came to me.... then i wont be able to hook my moniter up to my pc i mean i'll be able to but it isnt worth the hassle hookin things up back n forth.. so will there be like an extra cable that ican coonect from the tv card box back to my PC???
  3. rebootjim

    rebootjim Active member

    May 13, 2004
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    Hauppauge PVR-USB-2.
    Watch TV on your monitor while doing other things too.
    No TV or VCR needed.
    For direct to monitor connections, I know of no device that will work, unless your monitor has SCART, S-video, or composite INputs.

    BTW, it's not the computer that uses much power, it's the monitor. Probably more than a regular TV.
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2005
  4. ThaSunGod

    ThaSunGod Guest

  5. rebootjim

    rebootjim Active member

    May 13, 2004
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    OK, I stand corrected, but why?
    A tuner card will do the same thing, AND give you the option of saving the video to your hard drive, editing, authoring, and all the other PC stuff.
    You're only using basic cable.
    The Hauppauge PVR-150 (about $70), and gbpvr (free), will do more, for half the money.
    No VCR needed, no TV needed, but you will have to have the PC on.

    You could get that device, but you still need the monitor on to watch. What's the difference? Use a TV instead.
  6. ThaSunGod

    ThaSunGod Guest

    I thought the difference, would be that there would be just one viewing device instead of two on all day. well not really all day, but for hours..

    with the exception that that external device would of course need power itself

    and i didnt intend on correcting you for any reason (dont see how i did anyway).... i just found that device by googling
  7. rebootjim

    rebootjim Active member

    May 13, 2004
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    I guess what I'm trying to get at, is the whole purpose of the thing.
    You want to save power by not having the TV and the computer on at the same time.
    I mentioned that the computer doesn't use much power, just the monitor does.
    Having a device like you found, turns the monitor into a TV, but you can't be on the computer at the same time.
    If you want to watch TV, and be on your computer, get the PVR-150 and gbpvr as I mentioned above.
    Then you can watch TV in a window on your screen, and do other things on the computer at the same time.
    No need for the TV to be on, nor even have a VCR connected, and it's half the money of the other thing.

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