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i need help softmodding my xbox

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware mods' started by xxHAZExx, Sep 19, 2005.

  1. xxHAZExx

    xxHAZExx Guest

    i need because i dont know how,what i exactly need to do is be able to play burned games on my xbox,get an immulater,and finaly softmod halo2 (on customgame)not trying to get banned. any way i would apreciate it if any one can help me i have aim if u want to chat there too.
  2. Zen420

    Zen420 Member

    Sep 7, 2005
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    Ok man here is what i did and i had no problem.....
    I had a wireless xbox controller and cut off the xbox plug, then i had a USB cable and cut off the small end, soldered the corresponding colors together, the xbox has a yellow wire that isnt important. Then i went to codejunkies.com and got the software for Action Replay (Windows XP) and installed it. after that i went onto mirc and downloaded the Krazie UXE installer for MechAssault and loaded it onto my homemade Action Replay. You need a copy of the original, not the newer one. start your xbox without the game in it. Put your mem card into a controller and load it onto your HD. After that put the game in and go to campain mode and load the fake save game. follow the instructions that come up. thats it your dont... I think it sound harder than it really is. Once you start to do it it is pretty easy. if you need help with any of the things that you have to do just look on some of the other threds here you will find it, or go to how2xbox.com
  3. xxHAZExx

    xxHAZExx Guest

    thanks for your help but will this let me play burned xbox games

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