Hello people, My old xbox passed away recently (R.I.P) it had served me since day one. It had a xenium ice and a Western Digital 160 HD. The HD has Evox and back ups of all my games on. So now I have put a new Xenium ice in different xbox thinking I could just put the old Hd in the new xbox but this dose not seem to be the case I get error code 6. So I tried to do a Hard Drive upgrade from the xenium menu but this dosen't work either. Any Ideas Cheers in advance. Toe
The xbox that you have now that won't except your 160. Well, you'll need to softmod it, save the EEPROM.bin. Unlock the 160, save the .bin file, lock it and then you should be o.k. xboxhdm is a program that can help. It can be found at xbox-scene.com.
You're welcome. That was rude of me though, here is the link to the program's info and download within xbox-scene.com: http://www.xbox-scene.com/software-result.php