i lost my ms dashbaord if u can tell me how to get it back i would be very thankfull. and i have to mention that im a noob so dont use big words or words that stand for something. thanks
Get an auto installer Slayers for example. You will find it on #xbins. Search for a tutorial if you dont know how to use it. Did you search at all? There are probably dozens of threads that have aswered this question.
ok i got an slayer installer thing now wat to i do with it can u please help me i tried searching for forums but i couldnt find any please help me so what do i do with the autoinstaller to get ms dashboard back
ok so i randomly burn it on a cd then go to reboot on my unleashx dashboard and then put the cd in my xbox then press reboot is that it? and another thing is that how i put emulators and crap on my xbox by using cds
ok i tried to do what u said and i dont know what to do nex. first is firs do i have to change its format second of all what do i do after i get it on my xbox
OK please I am losing you what do you really want to do what paet are you stuck at? here this manual should help considerably:http://slayer.xbox-scene.com/manuals/SlaYers_EvoX_Auto-Installer_v2.6_FINAL_Docs.exe
Well basiclly those are the instruction you have to follow bu if you need anyhelp just post it here and I will try to help you to the best of my knowledge
Yes I will PM you my E-mail address so we can chat on MSN although i prefer AD. Oh and Slayers 2.6 has the most recent MS Dash. Is you Xbox saoft modded or hard modded?