using Divx Converter each time the prog nears the end of the process I get an error 'insufficient disk space'. This is not correct as the disc contains over 45Gb of free space. The job always fails in this manner on the final VOB, even if I select only the last vob for conversion. If I subsequently select any of the other ones separately the conversion works properly. Just the final one fails. Any ideas? M
perhaps you have a limited space for the folder or drive you are saving it too. Try saving it your C:\ drive with another folder. Check your output on where your saving the files. You may have to seleck the proper drive, because your default drive does not work..
Thanks for reply. No, I have used both C drive and other drives on 2 different comouters and all have failed on the last vob. After the failure I can select and other (even larger( vob file and it will encode successfully. The error message that I continue to get is 'Cannot encode the input files due to insufficient hard drive space'. Mystery to me! M
Having the same problem with an "insufficent memory" error at the 99% point in converting VOB files. Plenty of space on the hard disks and the same problem occurs on three different PC's. This seems to happen with only one rip. All others are working. Any ideas?