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Xbox USB External HDD

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware mods' started by Malakyt, Sep 29, 2005.

  1. Malakyt

    Malakyt Member

    Sep 7, 2005
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    Has anyone succesfully setup a HDD via a usb port for the Xbox? i was wondering if was even possible but given the fact that linux can read usb i would assume that as long as the drivers were present it would be possible.

  2. punqewe

    punqewe Active member

    Jul 20, 2003
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    find/build the driver....and it will happen.....until then,we can dream. If you wanna get all techie,you can mod a IDE cable so that there's an extra plug (female) and have it mounted on the back of the case. Then make sure there's a power (molex) conector mounted there as well. Then just use a mounted switch connected to the 5v and 12v powers on the power lead so that it will switch between the two hard drive powers. So that when one hdd is powered the other doesn't get ANY juice. then all you have to do is buy an external case for the second hard drive and use a male to male molex and a male to male IDE to conect it. Flip the switch one way and one hard drive will be used....power down and flip the switch and when you reboot the other hdd will be used.

    I'll stick with the 'dream' hehe
  3. Malakyt

    Malakyt Member

    Sep 7, 2005
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    ok well here is what i am gonna do. I am going to get either xebian or xdsl when i get home. once those are installed i am going to work on a way to get a basic linux driver ftp'd over to the correct folder. then plug the hdd in and that should be it. Ill work on it and when i get it done i will post a Tut. til then, "i have a dream..." lol.

    Experienced Modder

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