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Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware mods' started by OhSnap, Oct 1, 2005.

  1. OhSnap

    OhSnap Guest

    Aight, I'm looking to mod my xbox with splinter cell. I have the original one and it's not a platinum hit. Fist i downloaded to Linux files. Got them on to my xbox with AR. All works fine until I start up slpinter cell. I click on checkpoint under the linux name and I get a "call customer care" screen.
    Since that didnt work I restarted splinter cell and and clicked the linux name, then i went to games instead. I pushed A nothing happens, I push A again then my screen freezes and goes black and white and grey.

    I've got the linux files from many different sites and people. i've also tried it on about 4 different xbox's. Nothing works. I've never made it to the evolutionX screen either. Is it the files? splinter cell game? or maybe just the xbox's?
  2. KyleJ

    KyleJ Member

    Oct 2, 2005
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    i am a softmodder i was trying to mod one of my friends box im not sure y it happened but i did it a couple of times and it worked

    in your case i bet it was the linux files also keep in mind u need the linux profile AND installer which can b found on action replay

    my site http://www.freewebs.com/jareckionpepsi133


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