Was wondering what would be the best (read: most effective) combination of CD-burner and software to use that will enable working copies of most anything (i.e. PC games) that will NOT rely on your compy having emulation running in the background somewhere... (like with Alcohol 120% or CloneCD)
Plextor Premium would be your best bet which will write the bit patterns back to a cd-r correctly. I forget which exact model number you need but do a search or give -Nephilim- a PM and Im sure you will get your answer.
Thanks Geestar20. I PMed Nephilim, although I suspect according to my own research into the matter that it is probably the PlexWriter Premium (PX-W5232TA) tho it would be nice to have a solid answer.
The PlexWriter Premium (PX-W5232TA) is exactly what you want. Granted I haven't backed up any of the very latest protections but I've yet to have to resort to emulation for any of my games up to SafeDisc 3.20.022 and SecuROM 5.03. CD burners don't get any better than the Premium As for software I use BlindWrite almost exclusively - BW5 for SecuROM and SafeDisc up to 3.20. For SafeDisc 3.20.022 my silver bullet is BW 4.57. SecuROM typically gives folks the hardest time and the great thing about BW5 is it's set up to use the VariRate recording method that only the Premium has so with those two you have the absolute best combo for reproducing it.
Thanks Nephilim...Your post made my day! I have always wanted to know more about this topic, because almost any site or forum I look at for backups fails to mention that somewhere down the road emulation will have to come into play. I guess it's either understood by most people that this is the case, or they are simply not aware of it (as I was for a while). I just think if it can be avoided it's better. And while I guess emulation is one way to go, I really don't prefer it especially when certain programs install things that run in the background without your knowledge, and some components stay there even if you uninstall the program. But I really appreciate the help. Also I hopped on cdfreaks and did a search for this drive, and someone there said it is going, or has already gone out of production. Checked pricewatch and couple of other places, but can't find a retail boxed one anywhere. Any ideas? Or...will the PX-52X-SW do the same job or no?
I hadn't realized it was near/already out of production. Unfortunately the Premium is the only CD writer in Plextor's lineup that has the VariRate function so you may be forced to scour ebay for one. It's truly sad that the PC protections have gotten to the point that they're near impossible to back up. Thanks to the boatloads of little punks who think they deserve all their games for free guys like you and I can hardly make a working copy to protect the original we paid good money for. I've always found emulation to be such a hassle....................... *Edit* - I just checked ebay and found around twelve premiums for sale so that definitely an option
Thanks both you guys. I guess this is what I get for not buying one when they first came out. I am one of those peeps that holds off on buying hardware untill it has matured in the market, has reasonably stable firmware, great (or at least enough for what I need it to do) features, and reasonable price. I guess this time I waited way too long he he. =) I guess I'll have to hop on Ebay at some point. Thanks again for all the info, and yes, the never-ending media/copy protection wars in all sectors of entertainment (games/music/movies) has really gotten to fever pitch, and makes it hard for honest people to make backups for safekeeping and archiving purposes. I wonder what the guy out there that knows nothing about how to create a backup feels, especially when we are told by law that we are allowd to make personal backups, when he realizes that a simple wham-bam click copy approach doesn't cut it. Makes me sick.
Thats when they come here and ask the question, and thats when a great site such as aD helps Hope you can help just the same! See ya around.