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Help now with halo 2 multiplayer PLease!!!!

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware mods' started by ahlgero, Oct 7, 2005.

  1. ahlgero

    ahlgero Member

    Oct 7, 2005
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    I cant get my maps that i downloaded to show up on the multiplayer map selection screen. I need help!!!
  2. mx710

    mx710 Member

    Oct 8, 2005
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    Hmm this is hard to explain, but i managed to do it before i deleted my Dashboards and can't boot games or do anyithing with it. But if you wanna add maps to the multiplayer map selection screen. First get H2 EDIT and a Hex Editor(I use Hex Workshop 4.2)For this explanation i will use Zanzibar. Change zanzibar to anything you want to name it for this i will change it to mymap, then open it in a hex editor scroll down very little till you come across scenarios\multi\zanzibar\zanzibar.Change the name to scenarios\multi\mymap\mymap. If you didnt get any of this you must be stupid. But then open Mainmenu.map in H2 EDIT. Click on the "matg" (Globals) tag. In the tag editor, click on the Multiplayer Maps box. You will need to find an open map space (if you haven't added a map before, map 12 is the first open one) which will have the value -1. Change the value to a number that hasnt been used. Change it to like 450 or something(if you look at all the maps from 1 to 11 they will have different values) so once you have changed that type in some information like the name and stuff for the map you have to fill out everything. Then save and it save your map that was hex edited. FTp both mainmenu.map and the map you changed to your xbox. THen if i explained it right and you did it right it should show up in the menu. it will have the name like i did acension and it the description picture showed up as zanzibar. I dont know if you can change it. but if you have any problems i could send you the tutorial i have on it. the credit for the tutorial goes to the guy that made the download on http://files.halomods.com (i dont know his name). But if anyone knows how i can fix my xbox please tell me im desperate. My friend tells me that i need to either hoox both xboxs up together and somehow FTP to both of them or take out my harddrive and do something weird i dont know i dont know much about computers and stuff so please help!!!!

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