I softmodded my xbox and i was so excited. i found modded maps at www.assasin.com. i downloaded them but i cant transfer them to my xbox through my action replay. evertime i try to drag and drop the file into the action replay it says not a valid xbox save. what should i do?
Wow, you softmoded your xbox and are trying to put modded maps on your xbox through Action Replay... First you need to know how to ftp.
iownabox First you need to know that when you downloaded them off assasinsforhire.com those were PPFS not maps........second MAPS wouldnt fit on the AR card since they are too big........Like Ca$h said learn how to FTP and read some tuts
Are you f'in kidding me? Are you serious? Are you joking? Are you toying with me? OMG -_-" PPF'S are little pieces of Data NOT FOR AR....... This is what you do Get the map you want to mod from FTP Get the PPF you like the best for the map you want to mod Apply the PPF to the map BY using PPF-O-MATIC which you can get off http://www.halomaps.com Put the map back through FTP AND THEN YOU PLAY THE D@MN MAP
can you give me step by step instructions to what i need to download and what im supposed to do and how i do it?