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Conversion questions from VHS source to DVD...

Discussion in 'Video capturing from analog sources' started by freegood, Oct 14, 2005.

  1. freegood

    freegood Member

    Oct 14, 2005
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    I want to use my camcorder to stream my old tapes to computer. I'm skeptical about the quality of these old tapes on DVD resolution...

    My first question is if there were any programs to clean up the noise easily (or other techniques to improve visual quality). I have virtualdub mod for dvd projects, but I'm not too keen on the features to make the pic quality better. I'm patient with the processing time and memory capacity.

    The other question is if anyone had good methods to cram the most VHS time on a DVD. I am planning to compress the audio stream to lame mp3, but other than that I'm flying blind.

    I have 14 tapes worth of stuff, each averaging around 4 hours, so any advice from you experts would be greatly apprecieated.
  2. Minion

    Minion Senior member

    Sep 28, 2003
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    Well Most High end Video editors have Filters for cleaning up Noise and Adjusting the Color and Brightness ECT, You can also use Virtual-Dub filters to clean up Noisy Video but it only can do so Much....

    You can Fit up to 6 Hours of Video on a Single DVD if you use the SIF/CIF DVD Standard which is Mpeg-1 or Mpeg-2 at 352+240 For NTSC or 352+288 for Pal with a Video Bitrate of about 1500kbs which will allow you to Fit 6 hours of Better than VCD quality Video on a DVD...

    Also you can Not use MP3 audio on DVD"s as it is not a Compatible Format for DVD...The only Audio formats that are DVD Compliant are Mpeg-1 Layer 2 audio and Dolby AC3 audio and Uncompressed LPCM Audio and DTS audio...Most Mpeg encoders will compress the audio to Mpeg-1 Layer 2 audio or to LPCM Audio.....

    After you Have encoded your Captured Files to the SIF/CIF DVD Format you will just need to use a DVD Authoring Program (One that supports authoring SIF/CIF Formated DVD"s) so you can add your Menu"s and Chapters and to Format the Files into a Video_TS Folder and Burn it to DVD...I suggest something like "Tmpgenc DVD Author" for Very Basic DVD"s or "MediaChance DVDLab Pro" for More Complex DVD"s with Nicer Menu"s and More Features......

  3. freegood

    freegood Member

    Oct 14, 2005
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    Thanks a lot. It sounds like the programs I have will do most of the work for me, and save me some grief. :)
  4. ItsLarry

    ItsLarry Guest

    I have been thru this, hence---
    'simply' played my small video tapes thru the recording VCR, a Panasonic about 5 years old. Some even at low quality some at HQ from the Pan.
    Used a LOW $$$ Go Video DVD machine, about $145. I mean it is bottom of the line.
    Just got the Go onto record status, started my panasonic, pressed record on the GO, and GO it did. To further complicate things my Pan has NO COUNTER!!!! Just FYI.
    What I got was Each small tape was recorded as a 'book' (I think is the term) to the DVD. I ended up with about 6 or 7 books on the DVD.
    A playback showed super quality, no problem there.
    Now I had a source that had a very accurate counter, so during playback I paused and wrote down the exact time where subject changed.
    At this point I could/can edit all this stuff more.....
    Reason for this is U R concerned with quality of output, and my equipment all is low line stuff. Output to my Gateway 42" plasma was VG+.

    Hope this helps a bit...

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