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prjector kits

Discussion in 'Televisions' started by Satanspet, Oct 15, 2005.

  1. Satanspet

    Satanspet Guest

    i have been looking at buying a projector for a while now but i dont have a monster budject then iahve seen products on ebay that claim to do 150" displays from a 13-19" tv. and i am think hey! sweet but i am scepticle do they work ? i ahve heard alot of poeple saying no they dont but then when u look at the positive feedback it says that people like it... :S:S n e one ahve one work or have an idea if this would work ?
  2. Satanspet

    Satanspet Guest

  3. Balaam

    Balaam Regular member

    Nov 19, 2004
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    You get what you pay for. If you want a $15 piece of glass, go for it.
  4. GeorgiaBo

    GeorgiaBo Guest

    I have had personal experience with the projector kits. This was 15 years ago but I doubt if they have changed much.
    You will get a fresnal lens appx. 1-2 foot diameter. Looks like a big flashlight lens with magnification lines. Probably also get a second/third square lens which looks very similiar to full page magnifiers availible at pharmacys. With these a simple set of instructions. Using cardboard/wood you are to construct 2 boxes(sizes determined by what diameter tv you will be using for projection; ex. 13inch) and one box fits in the other, with the idea of being able to slide the square magnifier box out/in to focus the big lens in the second box. Everything must be painted flat black so no light is lost.
    I think you need a 12 x 12 inch mirror also so the tv image is reversed before it hits the screen/wall.
    After all this, I had a pitch black room and will be honest, while the image projected was nothing like what we have today, it was watchable at 50-60 inches. If you remember the older 3 tube projection tvs that rear projected onto a silver/white screen you can imagine similiar results. I'm talking early 80's here; not the CRT projectors of today.
    So to answer your question yes they will work. But do not expect grand results. At best think in terms of a near-dark drive-in with faded colors and blurred images. But sometimes that is enough.
  5. noypi2

    noypi2 Member

    Feb 10, 2005
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    I tried this kits 6 months ago. I followed every sigle instructions.
    the result, WASTE OF MONEY. You can try it but picture is not good enough. I threw away mine and used the lens for reading small letters. Total waste of money.

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