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Playback Problem with XVID files have to press sytem menu

Discussion in 'DVD players' started by mohamedm, Oct 19, 2005.

  1. mohamedm

    mohamedm Member

    Oct 19, 2005
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    I am recently seeing problem with my player when i try to play a xvid file burned on a DVD. It plays it but with bad frames and when i press the system menu button and go back it plays fine. Is there a Firmware upgrade i need to do in order for this to play. I dont see this with all files though. Even after i press the system menu and make it play, its still not clear enough, is it a codec problem? or can i solve it with a firmware upgrade?
  2. gear79

    gear79 Guest

    help me help you...........
    what media did you burn to?
    how fast was your burn?
    what burner do you have?
    what stand alone player do you have?
    these xvid files you have, were they downloaded, ripped, copied from another source?

    the more info you give, the easier it is to help you.
  3. mohamedm

    mohamedm Member

    Oct 19, 2005
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    I burned them on Fuji DVD +R and my write speed was 6x . These are XVID files i downloaded from mirc & Torrent websites. I burned them on my Dell inspiron 9100 DVD burner, not sure of the DVD model though. Also there are some files burned with 4x where i see this problem.
  4. gear79

    gear79 Guest

    yes, try firmware updates if available, try also to clean the laser lens, just use one of those cd lens cleaners...
    whats the ID code on that fuji just out of curiousity?
    and what dvd player are you using to view this on?

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