just got my copy of nero 7 in the mail and its looks pretty solid so far. i was wondering if it was possible to watch tv on it. i have a pvr-350 tv tuner card and kinda wanted to try using nero to watch tv since the wintv program that it comes with is kind of sloppy. it says one of the features is "time-shifting tv" but i want to just watch it, i can't find where to do either.
yes u can using nero home...but for some reason once u set it up there is no way to change the settings after, if you find out how let me know as mine isn't working but i do know what to change
yeah, i guess i have the same exact problem. i guess i could reinstall, but that seems pretty ridiculous.
I feel that is very stange too. It should be possible. I do not know how to do it neither. Iy you find a solution please inform.
Try this and tell me if it worked. Find in your pc the file: nmtvwizard.exe, it is eventualy in folder: C:\ Program Files\Common Files\Ahaed\Lib Run the program : nmtvwizard.exe I thin this way you can redifined your TV settings. Regards Jose
I just got Nero 7 from the store. My media center works fin with the tv tuner but the Nero won't set it up for itself. Anyone have that problem? This is an angel dual tuner on a Dell XPS 400.By the way hello to all on this forum. Bob