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How To: Burn GC back-ups with Recordnow max v.4.5

Discussion in 'Nintendo Gamecube - General discussion' started by AugDogg, Oct 31, 2005.

  1. AugDogg

    AugDogg Guest

    Very simple, after ripping the iso with your choice of ripper. Open RNM select file->New Job->global image or other image->add file->navigate to iso directory->change file type to (image .iso,.ima, .img...)->select backup.iso. Now select Options->Recording type: disc at once->mode: CD Mode1 (blocking 2048)-DVD. Now just select the speed and click the red button. successful back-up is being made.

    For some reason when you load the backup.iso it defaults to cd mode2 XA (blocking 2352), which won't run in the cube.

    I like RNM better than nero and prefer using 1 program for everything I burn.


    AUGBOY Member

    Oct 30, 2005
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    what up....u stay in GA??
  3. AugDogg

    AugDogg Guest

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