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Xbox forums: Pins,moderation etc...

Discussion in 'AfterDawn feedback & suggestions' started by Irshdrunk, Nov 2, 2005.

  1. Irshdrunk

    Irshdrunk Regular member

    Oct 24, 2005
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    Hi, I know how what I am about to say sounds coming from a new member, believe me.

    I have been a memer here about a week and a half. In that time I have noticed that all of the xbox forums are a total mess, mostly of lazy ****bags. Every other topic is about modding Halo 2, Network Bridging, or screwed softmods. And 9 out of 10 posts are blatant attempts of member's to get the information spoonfed to them. And some or most is available in the pin topics (atleast the ones I have read)

    Today: 4 topics on how to ftp: There is a thread in General Xbox with 160 replies that is a nice tut.
    4 topics on where to find apps, either certain requests or in general....which is covered http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/206722
    This guy's thread here...http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/252149
    who posted 3 threads today with same content, and posted in 3 other member's threads that were COMPLETELY off topic.
    Atleast 3 dozen seperate topics asking howto network bridge or mod halo 2, (There are TWO tuts in General Xbox on how to bridge and 2 Topics in Xbox Software on how to mod)

    I have talked with Oner who was cool and closed some threads, and added some info I submitted to the Error Code Sticky. But it seems like there is nobody really watching those forums enough, and it is being overun with useless topics that are about the same subjects, or are convered in pins.

    I guess my suggestion is more moderation (more mods there) and maybe a reorganization of the Pinned Topics. And stiffer grounds for topic closures and suspensions/bans for people that blatantly break the rules.

    Nice site going here. Thanks for letting me share some feedback.
  2. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    hi. whilst i have a few consoles i rarely read or participate in forums for consoles; one of the reasons i don't read up much in games forums is for the same kind of reasons that you stated.

    One thing i do a lot of is report threads via the 'offensive post' button. Not just for troublesome posts/threads/posters i hasten to add, but also for requesting threads be moved to correct forums, accidental multiposts etc etc. I believe you have to be a 'member' and above to use that button and whilst it may be perceived that i am a busybody to some (maybe to lots of ppl), it helps us help ourselves ie it helps the mods to help us all in return.

    That's how i deal with things around the forums anyway. Not everyone likes the way ppl such as me do things, but hey, hopefully they're the ones that aren't keeping to the rules anyway :)

    Stuff like you mention winds me up and at times makes me wonder why i stay, but by dealing with things in the way i've described, it's my little way of helping to keep things nice for others.

    The mods, whilst there's only about 17 of them, considering the relentless anount of users/threads there are, do a fantastic job, and anything we can do to help them, makes everyone's life easier. Until you make 'member' status you can always send a PM to a mod when you come across something that needs addressing.

    Don't let the idiots put you off, i've only been here 11months and working in the way i do makes my stay here enjoyable/informative, putting in a bit extra effort pays off (and keeps the mods on their toes LOL not really)

    Stick around (it sounds like you want to), but you'll unfortunately have to put up with spoonfeeding sometimes, you'll get that on most sites out there. I deal with that by trying to give the answers and a smidgen more on top; that hopefully encourages some ppl to help themselves more, but also some ppl just aren't technical and don't want to be - that's fine too, they're allowed to be 'normal' :)

    Oh and welcome to the forums by the way
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2005
  3. Jerry746

    Jerry746 Senior member

    Oct 23, 2003
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    Yea, I agree with creaky on this. The Offensive Post Button is what I use most of the time these days. Its better to let one of the mods FIX any problems on here. It seems when one of the regular members try to get involved in a problem it just starts a war on that thread. It doesn't matter what our statis is or how long we have been a member, all they see is that we are not MODS and so they just ignor any suggestions we make. Most of the times I report something I haven't even posted on that thread. There are too many KNOW IT ALL new members these days that won't listen to suggestions from anyone.

  4. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    reading Jerry746's reply i knew i'd omitted something - ie i myself am guilty too often of commenting in a troublesome thread and either getting drawn into something/baited into something/and at times i probably make things worse by commenting. Either way the offensive post button is a very handy button to have. A lot of the idiots ignore even the Mods but the Mods have the deluxe version of the button - the 'Ban' button. Again, what a handy button :)
  5. Irshdrunk

    Irshdrunk Regular member

    Oct 24, 2005
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    Thanks for the replies guys. I guess I am used to site's like BST-Secure and X-S....tight rules and tight consequences. I think my personality keeps me from not commenting at thit point. A lot of the replies I have posted have included a kind of verbal smack, then information to help the poster...in most cases anyway. Heck been here less than two weeks and already got some of my info added to one of the pins, that can't be bad. What bugs me the most is when someone says they did research but what they want is somebody to walk them through the entire process from start to beggining. What post actually said, and I quote "I want a half page on how to do this from everyone that reads it"

    The report button will get some abuse from me, that is for sure.

    But I am still suggesting an reorganization of the pinned topics in those forums. Hardware forum is chalk full of software questions....huh?


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