In this 2006 Sundance film festival entry Siren, was written and starring dazzling newcomer Michele Fiore-Kaime. I had the pleasure of viewing this movie this past week. It's a story of a 35 year old woman that finds her life without meaning after her daughter leaves for college. She pursues her dream she put on hold for 20 years. The comic elements, drama, and good music all make for a very entertaining film. The best way to describe it is Rocky meets Field of Dreams. To top it off it was filmed in high definition DIVX! More info, pictures, and trailers can be found at Or
thanks for the info. When my uncle was younger he used to write reviews for films at these festivals for his local newspaper.
If these trailers were in DIVX format it would be like 500MB and would take too long for the average user to download. I can assure you that the film quality is equal if not better than motion picture quality.