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Forum Confusion

Discussion in 'AfterDawn feedback & suggestions' started by The_OGS, Nov 6, 2005.

  1. The_OGS

    The_OGS Active member

    Feb 18, 2004
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    We have many forums, but people seem especially confused by two:

    This forum is for turning DVDs into MPEG4 (DivX) AVIs.

    [bold]MPEG1 and MPEG2 Encoding (AVI to DVD)[/bold]
    This forum is for turning MPEG4 (DivX) AVIs into DVDs.

    It is really quite simple.
    A child, or n00bie (or both) could figure it out, LoL :^)
    Why, then, is the DivX forum FULL of questions about how to convert DivX to DVD? And why do Seniors/Addicts happily reply?
    Should they not post in the proper forum, to receive the best answers? Should Seniors/Addicts and (perish the thought) Moderators not identify the threads as misplaced, and move them?
    Of the 20 topics listed in the DivX forum right now, no less than 14 of them are about converting DivX to DVD ;^(
    70%! Unbelievable? Yes, but true.
    People, I will help you to backup DVDs to DivX format, but that is NOT what you are asking!
    And honestly, if you cannot even locate the correct forum for your question, I figure you are just too dumb to help.
    I will not go into the DivX forum anymore, it is just too full of garbage - so for you 30% who do have your wits about you, I'm sorry.
    Talk to Da Boss... (he's not listening to me.)
    AfterDawn used to be The Authority about DivX/XviD encoding.
    Now the Forums have gone all to hell and nobody cares; it's just a shame.
  2. dRD

    dRD I hate titles Staff Member

    Jun 10, 1999
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    IMO, I simply suggest you to post the first post in each thread using "report an offensive post" ans state what is wrong with it (stating "wrong forum, should be in forum [-insert-the-selected-forum-here-]") and I'm 100% certain mods will move the threads for you. We have ~7 active moderators here and >2000 posts per day and it has been quite good ratio, because our senior members have adopted the use of post reporting pretty darn well. Mods simply don't have time to read through every post there is, but helping them out by doing what I suggested is the easiest trick in the world and I'm certain that mods are simply happy to assist to clean the forum rooms.
  3. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    i hang out in only a handful of forums and bother the mods incessantly with requests to teleport threads/close multiposts/etc etc. we'll never stop newbies doing it, just like we'll never stop the repetition of questions asked. i just use the offensive post button a helluva lot, doing that helps me as i then don't have to sift thru a load of rubbish/irrelevance or whatever on my next visits, it's my bit to keep the streets clean so to speak
  4. GrandpaBW

    GrandpaBW Active member

    Feb 28, 2004
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    I certainly don't want to cause any friction here, but the biggest problem that I see is the Forum titles, themselves. Granted, there is a description below each title, but when some folks are looking for information on how to convert from say, DivX to DVD, they sure the heck won't be looking at the description that starts with MPEG1 and MPEG2 Encoding.

    They are looking for key words, and I think that the names of the 2 forums, discussed here, are a big part of the problem of folks posting in the wrong place.

    Since it wouldn't be right to say that there is a problem, without offering a possible solution, here is what I think may work out better:

    Existing Forum Name: DivX/Xvid
    My recommended Forum Name: [bold]DVD to DivX/Xvid[/bold]

    Existing Forum Name: MPEG1 and MPEG2 Encoding (AVI to DVD)
    My recommended Forum Name: [bold]MPEG1, MPEG2, DIVX (AVI) to DVD[/bold]

    These are just my suggestions. Would the changes make alot of difference in posts, with respect to these two forums, getting to the right place? I think so.

    Edit: Since tone inflections aren't apparent in posts, I will tell you that I wrote this post in mellow tones. :) I like the AD forums, and I have learned much by reading through the forums. My intent here, is to help.

    Last edited: Nov 6, 2005
  5. The_OGS

    The_OGS Active member

    Feb 18, 2004
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    Thanks all for comments.
    The thing is, I have enjoyed helping people backup DVDs to MPEG4 (AVI), but these days everyone seems interested in the opposite!
    Which is fine - they wish to turn AVIs back into DVD format again - but it's not what the DivX forum is about.
    Good suggestions have been made and I agree with the re-naming for clarification:

    Existing Forum Name: DivX/XviD
    New recommended Forum Name: DVD > to > DivX/XviD (AVI)

    Existing Forum Name: MPEG1 and MPEG2 Encoding (AVI to DVD)
    New recommended Forum Name: DivX/XviD (AVI) > to > DVD

    The exact-opposite titles, listed immediately above/below one another, would be very clear for all AfterDawners :^)
    Note: Making a DVD from AVI is like making an AudioCD from MP3 - you don't want to do it! It is like making orange juice from powder... LoL
    Sure, you could drink it (I guess...)
    Yes, me too ;^)
    This was a motivation for this post - to help (constructive, not to complain). Yes Mods are very busy,

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