Please help, I have upgraded to a new Hitachi 160Gb hard drive in place of the old Hitachi 80Gb and I cant get passed 137Gb, I have read loads but I cant see what I am doing wrong. After booting from my EvolutionX disc and formatting the drive the settings show: C: 524.189.696 E: 5.118.738.432 F: 129.403.191.296 X: 786.300.928 Y: 786.300.928 Z: 786.300.928 My xBox is version 1.4 The mod is just the eprom on a headder, a few wires and a switch, I think they call it a cheapmod. ExolutionX is Build 3935 My BIOS has been flashed with M8, with LBA Support set to “Partition 6 Takes Rest of the Drive” and Ignore Hard Drive Partition Table” unset, before flashing I checked these settings using Evtools Some of my my evox.ini settings are: [Misc] UseFDrive = Yes UseGDrive = No (I want 1 big F Drive) [Menu] Section "Install Menu" { Item "Install New drive",@210 Item "Lock Harddisk",@211 Item "Unlock Harddisk",@212 Item "MS Dashboard",ID_MS_Dash Item "Reboot",ID_Quick_Reboot Item "Power Off",ID_Power_Off } [Action_10] Info "Install HDD" Warning "This will format all drives" Warning "Make sure you have a backup of C & E" Progress "Formatting drives" ConfigSector "\backup\disk.bin" Format c: Format e: Format f: Format x: Format y: Format z: This is my 1st xBox so can anyone please help me
Download Slayer's auto installer and bur it to a disc it has all the essentials for evox to make it see the extra gigs and stuff. And it also has some cool programs with it. Hope this helps.
I have tried formatting G but I get G: 0 bytes Could it be that the BIOS that I have needs to be opened in Evtools and then re-saved before flashing again?