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TMPGenc program help

Discussion in 'MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 encoding (AVI to DVD)' started by rubio12, Mar 4, 2003.

  1. rubio12

    rubio12 Guest

    Please, please, please can someone help me. I have downloaded various versions of the TMPGenc program and every time i try to convert my avi file(film) it always crashes with a reading error message stating a different combination of numbers every time.My o/s is xp home. What am i doing wrong?????????
  2. rubio12

    rubio12 Guest

    just read another thread stating about taking off the SSE & SSE2 options. done that, started to run the program and failed again. although it did convert a lot more of the film than before.
    the message reads "write error occured at address 00487de7 of module TMPGEnc.exe with 00216000". This is the message i get all the time although the numbers at the end change.
  3. Dela

    Dela Administrator Staff Member

    Aug 25, 2002
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    This is a newly seen problem now and i dont really know what could be causing it but

    do you have the file in use by another program?? do you have it in a shared folder of any type??
  4. rubio12

    rubio12 Guest

    I downloaded the avi file from kazaa, and moved it to a another folder. I have read most of your other threads / answers and have tried all of your ideas.
  5. Dela

    Dela Administrator Staff Member

    Aug 25, 2002
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  6. takemyars

    takemyars Member

    Mar 6, 2003
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    I'm having a similar problem - but it is just occurring on one particular file i am trying to encode - it is a dvd rip .avi file i have downloaded whereas the others are tv rip .avi's. Could that make a difference.

    I can get round it by changing the format to NTSC from PAL, but I was wondering if this will have any consequences about the quality of the resulting file due to differences frames etc? Also, if I put this onto a VCD, will my DVD player cope? It is multi region, but can it cope with different regions on the same VCD, ie if the first file is PAL, then NTSC, then back to PAL?

    Thanks for any help
  7. Dela

    Dela Administrator Staff Member

    Aug 25, 2002
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    I dont know about differewnt regions on the same vcd I never axctually tried that to see if it works!
  8. rubio12

    rubio12 Guest

    Just visited the TMPGenc page. No good, nobody replies. This one is much better. Just raised DIRECT SHOW MULTI MEDIA FILE (Enviromental settings > VFAPI plug in) to highest priority. Going to try again........
  9. rubio12

    rubio12 Guest

    Raising the DIRECT SHOW MULTIMEDIA FILE in to the highest priority has sorted out the problem.

    If you are having trouble with TMPGEnc, just keep trying the solutions found in this forum. ONE OF THEM WILL WORK
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 7, 2003
  10. takemyars

    takemyars Member

    Mar 6, 2003
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    I am having further problems with TMPGEnc - i found that when i converted this paricular .avi file to NTSC Mpeg, the sound was lost. It starts OK but after about 3 seconds it disappears. Any suggestions?
  11. Dela

    Dela Administrator Staff Member

    Aug 25, 2002
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    did you decompress the audio before using it with tmpgenc???
  12. rubio12

    rubio12 Guest

    decompress the audio???? how do you do that?
  13. rubio12

    rubio12 Guest

    DELA,Got another question for you. maybe be a bit stupid, but is there any way of burning a converted film onto 1 cd-r disc. with using tmpgenc, the end file is massive and yeah i know that i can cut the film up, but i really want the film one one disc.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 9, 2003
  14. Dela

    Dela Administrator Staff Member

    Aug 25, 2002
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    open the file in virtualdub and do the following to decompress the audio

    1. click video - direct stream copy
    2. click audio - full processing mode
    3. click audio - compression and select "no compression pcm" and click ok.
    4. click file - save avi

    You could get a vcd on one disk but the wuality would be terrible you would have to drop the bitrates and it wouldnt be standard vcd so it probably would play. However, check out http://www.kvcd.net
  15. rubio12

    rubio12 Guest

    DELA,cheers for your reply............ but i am now having MORE problems. I encode the film fine (using TMPGEnc) and your guide on how to. I then burn with nero (x8, cant do it any lower) and everything goes fine...until i play the vcd. The sound is good but the actual film picture is jerky, not smooth at all. any tips? I read a few other threads and notice that you don't burn vcd anymore. What do you do?
  16. Dela

    Dela Administrator Staff Member

    Aug 25, 2002
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    Well the best thing is to use good cd-r media! Also, did you burn standard vcd??
  17. Sefy

    Sefy Guest

    I'd like to add another question ontop of that: Is your movie by any chance in NTSC Film or regular NTSC format ?

    When you say Jerky, what do you mean exactly ? each person had different definitions for certain problems.
  18. takemyars

    takemyars Member

    Mar 6, 2003
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    Hi, have decompressed the audio of my .avi and the file size went from 200MB to over 400MB, but when I converted to MPEG using TMPGEnc, the file size dropped to 190MB. Is this normal?

  19. Dela

    Dela Administrator Staff Member

    Aug 25, 2002
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    Well it depends on the length of the movie file, if its 19mins and you were creating vcd then thats right but if it was a full length movie then its wrong. BTW, if it was a full length movie, 200mb is too small in the first place so dont rely on bad movies. Get a good p2p app and get the best quality movies. I would recommend eMule whioch you can read about here... http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/20686
  20. takemyars

    takemyars Member

    Mar 6, 2003
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    No its OK, it was an episode of Will & Grace, so should be fine. BTW when you are doing a full length movie, what app can u use to chop it up if it wont fit on one cd-r?

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