I hope this is in the proper forum.... I m trying to "backup" my XBOX CD usine Prassi and recordmaxnow 4.5 each time I use either of these pieces of s/w I get the following error: "Px Engine error (Command:28 Sense:05 ASC:21 ASCQ:00) Reading from the disk" I have a pioneer a04 dvd burner with the latest firmware and I have the latest PX Engine(s) loaded Anyone have any ideas?
Are you backing up the game through the xbox with a network, because xbox games cannot be copied straight from a computer, there are read backwards and thus can only be copied from and xbox with a modchip over a network. Check here for the whole procedure: http://www.xbox-scene.com/articles/iso-backup-guide.php
yes, I am trying to copy a cd to my DVD-r .... didn't know I couldn't do this... thanks, I will review the link!
Wait a minute, are you trying to back up an xbox game, or a cd, because if you're trying to copy a cd and you get that error that guide will do nothing for you.
sorry I am new to this... so I might not be wording this correctly... I am loading the xbox game in my pioneer A04 DVD-r opening recordmaxnow 4.5 and left mouse clicking to create an IG. I set speed to min, eneter a file name and click start, it reads approx 50% and then I get the error.
this will not work.. a computer is not able to read an xbox disk...(well usually) you need to read it on the xbox and ftp the data to your pc. then create an xbox iso and burn to disk.