Hee.. it is me once again. Anyway, how to label a dvd and what is the best dvd labeller brand you all ever used.
if you mean using sticky labels,most people recommend not to use them and to use printable dvd's instead i have just bought the epsom r300 printer,not delivered yet,but for the money it cost,and the cost of replacement inks,and also the quality,not sure you could find a better one..
@hursty, I'm with you on that one, I've had a Canon Pixmar for a couple of months now and it turns out beautiful labels on ink jet printable discs, I get all my covers from www.cdcovers.cd hard to tell them from original and ink dries in afew minutes and printing takes around 30 seconds
The thing w/ adhesive labels that you put on is that they throw the disc off balence and will peel in the player, which breaks it. So what ever you do don't put adhesive labels on it. YOu can however buy this kit thing. It label the disc w/ cicle peices of paper, but I've heard those aren't too great either. On the Epson disc printables, YOu can just buy the R200 which is only like 50 bucks after rebates. But I'd say the best thing is lightscribe. burn the movie, then just flip the disc over and literally burn the image into the disc. No drying time but about the same quality. But this is assuming you have a lightscribe burner.
@GlueEater, by the threads I have read on lightscribe it can take up to an hour to print a disk and at this stage all colors are not yet available, with the printer mine dries within a minute and I can always use the printer to do Photos and other documents. Discs arent that expensive. Heres a sample of one I just finished.
Yeah, no doubt it's quicker printing, I'm not gonna argue that. It's what like 10-15 mins? And they say 15 mins drying but ppl say it's better to wait an hour. And wouldn't you run out of ink in a while? The main thing I reccomend lighscribe over the epson is the ink. I hate haveing to buy ink, it seems to run out too quickly.
@GlueEater, this label took only 30 seconds to print and was dry within the minute. I have burned dozens so far and no problems with wet ink within the 1 minute, the excercise going out and buying ink willkeep you fit. Cheers.
If you already have a lightscribe burner then I see no reason to not use it. But if you don't then It would probably be cheaper to buy an Epson R200, which has a rebate so it's ends up being only 50 bucks, than to buy a lightscribe burner. B/c you already have burner so no need to buy another one and w/ a printer you can print other things too. But quality wise printers and lightscribe are pretty much the same.