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BT Setup Problems

Discussion in 'User submitted guides' started by Shixutao, Nov 28, 2005.

  1. Shixutao

    Shixutao Guest

    Ok guys, major problems configuring my setup.

    I have followed all instructions - forwarded ports, tried different sites and no change. I am Dl'n at never over 20kb on a 1.5 meg DSL connection.

    I have a

    Zyxel Prestige 2602HWL-61C 4/4 DSL Wireless router
    Am using Azureus for all my downloads.

    When i do an TCP listen port teston Azureus it comes up "NAT Error" I'm using port 51000, and have tried others with no luck

    I have been through the cmd command and fixed a static IP on my web connection. then been to my router configuration, and setup a port forward for port 51000 (with the IP i found with the "cmd").

    I have been to shields up and I get "Stealth". What might beof notice is the IP address that comes up on the first page of shields up is totally different to the one i set as my static IP.

    I have also been to the NAT test, which comes up with a failure.

    What can I do???? HELP!

    I also get pop-ups saying i need to set my UDP to allot listening or something???? I can't see where my router will let me do this as when I am configuring the NAT setings you only imput the port numbers and the IP adress... no setting for TCP/UDP
  2. berty642

    berty642 Regular member

    Mar 26, 2005
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