Is Nero capable of handling these tasks?

Discussion in 'Nero discussion' started by JJSOLOMON, Nov 29, 2005.


    JJSOLOMON Member

    Jul 26, 2005
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    Hi guys,

    As I stated in the "DVD Recorder" forum, I am new to all of this and am looking to record home movies from VHS onto DVD. However, the second part of this is where the Nero software comes into play. I have been looking into Nero 7 Ultra Edition and have a few questions that hopefully you can answer. With the Nero software, would I be able to do the following:

    1) Burn a DVD copy of any VHS home movie?

    2) Create my own professional-looking DVD menu(s)?

    3) Add my own custom background music to these menus?

    4) Dub an "alternate commentary track" (essentially, my own recorded audio) over some of the footage?

    5) At the menu, can I create options like "Play All" and "Extras", so that the "Extras" section may contain individual clips from another movie?

    As a newbie, I am unsure whether or not this is all too extravagant or if technology now allows us to create the above effects, so go easy on me. Stuff like the "alternate commentary" stuff is important to me because with my mother presently battling cancer, I would love to be able to record an audio MP3 with her, for example, and dub it over some of this old footage to have and to cherish for the rest of my life, regardless of what may happen.

    I appreciate any insight you may provide.


    JJSOLOMON Member

    Jul 26, 2005
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    In addition to my above questions, I would also like to know if it would be acceptable to use DVD-RW's for such an operation or is that not preferred?

    JJSOLOMON Member

    Jul 26, 2005
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    Please don't let this thread die. :(
  4. zhelpz

    zhelpz Guest


    I will try to help you with answers and hopefully someone else will come along who can help you further.

    1) I BELIEVE you can transfer your VHS to DVD by using Nero Vision Express - under the "capture video to Hard Drive" option.

    You may or may not have to put it to hard drive first, but I am presuming that you want to since you are asking aboutmaking your own menus etc.

    2) yes you can create your own menu's - How professional they look to you is matter of opinion. I think you would be happy with what you can do.

    3) Yes you can add music to your projects

    4) As long as your audio files are compatible (ie:wav files, etc) there is no reason why you should not be able to do this - as Nero lets you choose the music you want to add in whatever folder you want

    5) I am not sure about this answer - I really do not use Nero program to do this type of video yet (I usually use my Pinnacle software) -

    Let me add, i believe Nero lets you have a free trial period of its software, I would suggest trying it out and seeing if you think it is worth the money you want to spend. Also keep in mind, Nero software usually comes with most dvd players that you buy if you want / need to add one for your computer.

    I hope this info helps you!


    Oh as fas as RW's (re-writables) go - There is nothing wrong with using them - ESPECIALLY for testing purposes as not to mess up a bunch of discs - but once you feel good about your prgress, and you want to keep your final project, then you dont want to accidently write over your material. (Some dvd players may have a problem playing your re-writable - you have have to test and see)

    Also keep in mind that good media is key - Some of the good media you can use is Taiya Yuden, Fuji, Sony, Ritek
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 2, 2005

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