hi i have a game iso that i want to transfer to my modded xbox, i know how to ftp and all that but i need to know if i can just transfer the iso or if not how do i get it to the normal version with the folders and stuff????
If it's an XISO (not readable by Winrar) then use Craxtion to break it into a "normal" version. Then FTP it over to your XBOX.
there is a softmodded installer out there that will let you setup and play ISO on your HDD and thats krayzies installer. Most others you have to extarct the ISO into a game folder then FTP the game folder over in order for it to play off the Xbox HDD.
hey larrylje how well does that ISO program work? Any compatibility issues? I usually burn the ISO to DVD as a back up, then just use DVD2Xbox to put it on the HDD. But i have one game, True Crimes Streets Of NY, that always has a few files that will not transfer. I have tried FTP and DVD2Xbox and neither will copy every file so i am looking into a possible alternative. I have applied the HDD patch already for the game.
I have used the ISO fix using krayzies isntaller for NBALive 06 and I used it for Tony Hawks american wasteland as well and they work perfect. It is just tricking the Xbox in thinking the game is playing from the DVD drive. The installer supports virtual drive's that's how it works. For anyone that instrested you can get the gameexploit and installer at the link below. Even has a guide on how to install. http://www.freewebs.com/betatester/profile2.htm Once you get that installed you can do the below for any game and play it off an ISO on your Xbox. Just rename the attach.xbe file to whatever game your wanting to play off the ISO. NBA Live 06 working on HD CONFIRMED WITH THIS METHOD get attach.xbe from XBINS -path is /XBOX/apps/filemanagers/driveimageutils/ edit the Game title of attach.xbe to nbalive06 use c-xbox tool or any other xbe title renamer. if you dont edit, the title of the game it will be ATTACHER VIRTUAL DISC. Once that is done rename the attach.xbe to default.xbe ------>FTP THE FULL nbalive06.ISO<--- and the default.xbe(renamed from attach.xbe) to the same folder. --->only two files should be in the NBA live 06 folder: nbalive06.iso and default.xbe restart xbox