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Surround Speaker Placement Question?

Discussion in 'Receivers and amplifiers' started by SuperG03, Dec 1, 2005.

  1. SuperG03

    SuperG03 Member

    Mar 15, 2003
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    Hey guys,

    I have a 5.1 Speaker System, that comes with 5 satellite speakers. I have a question regarding the surround speakers placement. I have two choices. I can place my those speakers about two to three feet above my ear level, but it would be a little in front of where I would be, because I have no way of mounting one of the speakers to be just to the side of me. The other choice is to mount both of them directly to the side of me, but between 4-5 feet above my ear level. Which is a better choice. I mainly watch movies, etc. Thanks.
  2. gear79

    gear79 Guest

    ideally, all speakers should be placed at ear level... but most rooms by dimension do not allow it.
    your best bet would be to place them to your sides. however, they do make speaker stands that helps you in situations like this, and they are not very expensive, under 100 bucks for a nice pair and less for not so nice. and they can hold up to 13 pounds or so.
    best buy and circuit city sells them.
  3. WesleyHes

    WesleyHes Member

    Feb 19, 2004
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    In my opinion, I think having the surrounds flanking the sides of your primary listening position would be better than in front of it. In speaker placement descriptions I've seen in both receiver and other component user manuals show surrounds 4' to 5' above ear level when seated. At those levels, you will more closely recreate the sound of a movie theater/cinema. If your mounting system allows, you can always adjust the speakers to point downward and do some testing with what sounds best to you.
    I personally have my surrounds about 1-1/2' to 2' above my seated ear level because I like how it sounds better. I couldn't place them to my sides and had to place them about 2' behind instead. I am forced to angle them toward my seating area. Still sounds great.
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2005
  4. SuperG03

    SuperG03 Member

    Mar 15, 2003
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    Thanks for the replies. Unforunately I cannot even get the use of a stand, because, there is a door in the way. That is why I can't place them at a good level that is to my side. I can either go in front of the door, and the correct heighth, but slightly in front of where I would be sitting, or I can go right to the side of me, but above the door, which is higher up than most guides recommend. Anymore suggestions are welcome, but I will do some experimenting as well. Thanks again.

  5. gear79

    gear79 Guest

    ok, thats an easy one......... get you some bi-polar speakers!

    whats your budget like (if you are interested) and i can link you to some ranging from cheap, but good, to ok and average, to pricey and holy sh!t ....
  6. SuperG03

    SuperG03 Member

    Mar 15, 2003
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    Thanks, but I already have these 5 satellite speakers, and I don't really want to buy anything else. With that in mind, which way would you recommend I position them. Thanks.

    Last edited: Dec 3, 2005
  7. gear79

    gear79 Guest

    its hard for what your room dimensions are, thats why i suggested the bipolars.
    but, i guess just place the to your sides above ear level, play with setting, angle, and height till it sounds right.

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