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soft mod help plz

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware mods' started by beeg101, Dec 7, 2005.

  1. beeg101

    beeg101 Guest

    i put a soft mod on my box can u help me to get it off what do i need i wont to xbox live again plz help guys well do annything plz help
  2. xboxmod15

    xboxmod15 Member

    Dec 5, 2005
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    First of all when you try to get on xbox live what does it say?
    If you put in a game and try to get online tell me what it says.
    If you are trying to get online on ur online dash board tell me what it says.
    (try the tasks i told you and tell me what what happens or if something comes up with words on it)
    I might have a clue what is wrong.When you try those tasks reply me back and typ down what you saw when you attempt to get online.
    If you try to get online on halo 2 it should either not show anything but the press start button or it will imidiatly say start trouble shoot as soon as you clicked sighn on.On the dash board it should just say xbox live not responding.
  3. beeg101

    beeg101 Guest

    it says cant find ip adress
  4. beeg101

    beeg101 Guest

    but i can play xbox coneect fine
    and i just dont no wa to do
  5. xboxmod15

    xboxmod15 Member

    Dec 5, 2005
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    So when you are trying to connect online it says can't find ip adress?
    Go to ur xbox settings and then network settings then ip adress and tell me what ur ip,subnet,and gateway adress is.Before u do that make sure ur configuration on ur ip adress settings is on automatic.
  6. beeg101

    beeg101 Guest

    i diid that man i did everything that has to do with networking i tried doing that over and over see my ip connects i can ply xbox connect just fine it connect to my roughter and stuff its just like the mod is keep me off line
  7. xboxmod15

    xboxmod15 Member

    Dec 5, 2005
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    so it keeps you off line.That is weird cuz when i can't connect i just go to ip and set to automatic.Thats the only way i know to get you back online unless ur banned?

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