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bin/cue files

Discussion in 'CD-R' started by tuleaf, Dec 9, 2005.

  1. tuleaf

    tuleaf Member

    Aug 29, 2004
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    I have dled a movie in bin/cue format. I used nero to burn it to disk, but my dvd player will not play it. How can I convert it to dvd movie that will play on any dvd player? Step by step would be appreciated.
    I also have alcohol and tried with that but had no luck.
    And I've read through hundred of threads and still not figuring it out.
    thanks in advance for your help
  2. SypherTek

    SypherTek Guest

    well for it start it wasnt ever going to play on your dvd player just like that.

    You can watch the movie on your pc using Video Lan available here

    to get it to play on a dvd player youll need to extract the video data from the bin file. there is a program that lets you do this called IsoBuster (available here http://www.soft32.com/download-IsoBuster-8959-5.html )

    and heres a link to a guide for using isobuster to extract video


    once youve extracted the video file just stick it in something like power producer or windows movie maker to burn it to a dvd

    hope this helps
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 9, 2005
  3. tuleaf

    tuleaf Member

    Aug 29, 2004
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    Thank you so much Sypher, I got iso buster and it worked great!!!!
    And it was so simple once I got the guide.
    Thanks again, great job :)
  4. SypherTek

    SypherTek Guest

    Glad to be of service :)
  5. Shoey

    Shoey Guest

    .bin& .cue to a cd-r or a dvd-r? I assume to a cd-r and if so you home dvd player must be (S)VCD compatable in order for these to play. AVI, MPEG1(VCD) or MPEG2(SVCD) format????

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