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how do I use rb/cce to compress 2 dvd9 episodic discs to 1 DL disc

Discussion in 'DVD / BD-Rebuilder forum' started by Mort81, Dec 9, 2005.

  1. Mort81

    Mort81 Senior member

    Jun 10, 2004
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    How do I do this or can it even be done? I want to compress my set of Law and Order dvd's to some DL media. The set consists of 3 double sided dvd9's. After removing the previews and adverts with dvdremake each folder (each side) is aprox. 7.4 gb which I know rb/cce can compress to a dvd5. I want to keep the set on 3 DL dvd's. I would need to compress aprox. 14.8 gb (after combining 2 folders with dvdremake) down to 8.5 gb. Can this be done with rb/cce. I would also want to create an iso and burn with dvdd or imgburn which I have never done before useing rb/cce. I've always used nero to burn to my dvd5's after rb/cce is finished. This may be a silly question but an adventure none the less. Any help, advice, or assistance will be greatly appreciated. This will also be my 1st stab at burning DL media as I have not had the need for it yet due to the excellent results from rb/cce. Thanks in advance.
  2. L8ter

    L8ter Guest

    R U sure this is double sided dl media?? as I can't find refference to it any where! I suppose because you say the files after being joined w/ remake pro are 14.8 after being edited! so I suppose this is true

    as rebuilder does not input a layer break (not to my knoing anyway this would indeed be hard to do you could adjust the ini. file so that it pushes the limit of a dl disk you would have to get the measurements from your dl in sectors easy enough w/ img burn!

    but you would have to manually set the layer break and do some tweaking of ifo's & command chains(maybe not) in pgc edit or similar! I would actually take that part of this to the imgburn forum as luk as well as blu and others would know more than I about the appropriate tweaking needed for compliancy w/ that prog!

    I'm actually just interested to see if you can pull it off so keep us updated!!
  3. Mort81

    Mort81 Senior member

    Jun 10, 2004
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    I have already combined the folders useing dvdremake and they are 14.4 gb. I don't know if rebuilder will work with target sector value larger than that of a dvd5. I would think it would since its just a value. I don't know what the target sector value would be for a DL dvd otherwise I would try it. I'm not concerned with the layer break.
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2005
  4. BigDK

    BigDK Regular member

    Dec 1, 2005
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    There should be no reason you can't do what you are trying to do.
    You have taken a double sided disk and combined it into 1 file using remake.

    You just need to run RB on each 14GB folder in turn, and set the output to the size of a DL disk instead of the default single layer disk size.

    You can then select Output to ISO Image File (Professional Edition only)
    This option will automatically create an ISO images using the mkisofs utility. You need MKISOFS

    To adjust the output size you will need to edit the 'Rebuilder.ini' file.
    default for DVD-RB is 2236400 sectors and the maximum for a DVD-5 is 2297888
    So you should be able to just double it up to be safe.
  5. Mort81

    Mort81 Senior member

    Jun 10, 2004
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    Thanks for the reply. I will probably try doubling the target sector value and run one through to see what size the compressed folder is. Is 8.5 gb the exact size of a DL dvd (ya know dvd5 4.7 gb discs are really 4.38 gb)? I'm not familiar with MKISOSF. I was under the impression that rebuilder pro could make an iso without the need for other software. I could use nero to burn the DL disc but most here seem to prefer making an ISO and using dvdd or imgburn to burn their DL media.
  6. L8ter

    L8ter Guest

    pop one of your dl's in and open up imgburn the sector value will be listed in the box w/ all the other info!
    of course you will probably want to leave room for error so cut a couple sectors out!

    rebuilder is just a set of commands telling the encoder how to handle the files and then rebuild them into dvd compliant form
    so it will work (by my reasoning any way's I feserve the right to be wrong ;-})
  7. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    Yes you can do it. Just do each of two DVDs seperately and then use DVDreamke to join them as you would a flipper and then burn the result.
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2005
  8. Mort81

    Mort81 Senior member

    Jun 10, 2004
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    I don't have any DL dvd's yet. I wanted to make sure rebuilder would do what I'm wanting prior to forking out $2 per disc for the DL discs. Why buy the cart before the horse ya know. This is a one time project as I am very pleased with the results of useing rb/cce and dvd5's for normal backups. I found that a dvd9 DL disc will actually hold 7.95 gb's so I am going to double the target sector value in the ini file and see how big the folder is after I run it through rb/cce. Thanks.
  9. L8ter

    L8ter Guest

    using lotr II EE the original disk two imgburn list the sectors as

    Sectors: 4,023,459

    that is probably what I would use if I was to do (minus a little) as I don't have a blank available that is the best I can get for you!

    keep us posted!
  10. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    Compress the two DVDs as you always do and then using DVDremake join them as you would a flipper and then burn to your DL media.
  11. jdobbs

    jdobbs Regular member

    Jun 17, 2004
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    You should be able to create a Dual-Layer output using DVD Rebuilder and changing the TargetSectors value to a value consistent with Dual Layer. I'd suggest TargetSectors=4472800. You also have to output to an ISO image and then burn with ImgBurn.

    The only real thing you have to be careful about is where the layer break will be. If you use ImgBurn, it will try to find the best place -- but the source has to have a point at which there are two cells that can split... with the type of disc you are doing that is very likely not a problem.

    Make sure you have ImgBurn set for "Calculate Optimal Layer Break" under the "Write" option.
  12. Mort81

    Mort81 Senior member

    Jun 10, 2004
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    Hi Soph,

    I see what you are saying, only problem is I want an ISO so I can burn it with imgburn or dvdd and you can't load an ISO into dvdremake. I guess I could load the video_TS's into dvdremake, join them, then convert them to iso and burn with dvdd or imgburn. I don't have the software to convert the Video_TS's to iso or the knowledge on how to do it. Real dummy huh. I'm running one of the 14.4 gb folders through rb/cce right now. I input CCETargetSectors=4472800 in the ini file. I'll see what happens. I may end up doing it the way you suggested and just use nero to burn. Thanks.
  13. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    It wouldn't take much to blend RB and Imageburn into a functioning unit. Now if we could just get Remake thrown in? LOL
  14. jdobbs

    jdobbs Regular member

    Jun 17, 2004
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    If you have DVD Rebuilder Professional Edition, it will make the ISO for you...
  15. Mort81

    Mort81 Senior member

    Jun 10, 2004
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    Yeah it's making an ISO as I type. Thanks.
  16. Mort81

    Mort81 Senior member

    Jun 10, 2004
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    Well after encoding for 5 1/2 hours I found that 4472800 is to large of value for CCETargetSectors. The Video_TS folder was 8.67 gb and needs to be under 7.95 gb. I lowered the value and I'm running it again.
  17. L8ter

    L8ter Guest

    but no errors that's good to know!

    I second jdobbs sugestions on the use of imgburn it is exceptionally good @ selecting an optimal layer break just to make sure did you get the new update ver was released on the 2nd!

    btw haven't seen you @ hounds in while??
  18. L8ter

    L8ter Guest

  19. Mort81

    Mort81 Senior member

    Jun 10, 2004
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    No errors but still too big. On my third try to get compressed folder under 7.95 gb. Close on second try but still a little to big. My cpu is probably cursing me. Thanks for the software links.
  20. L8ter

    L8ter Guest

    did you try the value I listed for lotr II.
    be sure to let us know when you find the majic #!!

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