i dont really know where to put this, but can someone tell me the best way to make a label for my buckup dvd's? thanks
The best way is to get inkjet printable media and print it on an Epson R200/R300 series printer. You can do this by scanning the original DVD, or better yet, downloading images from customcdlabels.com, cdcovers.cc, or hirescovers.com and using the Epson PrintCD software included with the printer... If you don't want to buy the inkjet printable media and printer, just use a Sharpie! Stay away from adhesive labels. They may cause you problems or they may not. But why gamble? I learned my lesson...
Sticking and freezing in players. Not Good! Use a sharpie or go lightscribe. Do a search and you will see the comments on using stickon paper labels. Not Good.
Very good chance that that is the cause. Do a test and remove a lable from one that sticks and see how it plays. I use a sharpie pen to lable mine.
good idea i guess thats why you are a senior member i like the idea of the dvd's i can print on i have a nice photo printer but i dont know how to print dvd's
Timberlou, I have about 200 DVD’s that I stuck paper labels on that will not play in a standalone player.. My computer will read some of them and I recopy when I can. Now I’m using an Epson R-200 and Printable Verbatims.. This drove me buggy for a while thinking it was bad media when all along is was the labels…. P.S. The Epson R-200 or R-300 has the capability of printing inkjet printable disks and can be found at Wallmart, Sams or on line..
man do you sound like me i get fuji dvd real cheap but i thought it was the media do you use printable dvd's now or no label at all
timberlou, I use Verbatim 16x, MCC004, Inkjet Printable DVD+R that I get from my local Sam's club for about 45 cents each.. That's where I got the Epson R-200 for less than 50 bucks..
@timberlou, Naw, I don’t scan I just down load a label and print it.. The R-200 comes with good software for printing and if what I download needs editing I use RoxioPhotoSuite The label sites I use are: http://www.customcdlabels.com/ and http://www.cdcovers.cc/
Most of the time it is easier to just go to one of the sites that I mentioned earlier for disc art... Other members have already scanned and uploaded disc art. Have you tried hirescovers.com, 2oldGeek??? They have some quality stuff there as well...
@teflonmyk, No, I haven't tried that one yet but I'll give it a shot. I've used it a lot, Love it. Found the Ink at real good price at http://private.abacus24-7.com/(ov5x.../driver.aspx?topic=compatibility&compat=12973 and have gone thru 3 sets of ink cartridges since I got the printer..LOL
Just in case that ypu don't own the specific printer models you can also perform the following tasks: - Use s simple adheshive label and stick well on the disc - Spray the upper face (the label) of the disc with lacque (for furnitures). This keeps the labels clear from the fingerprints and causes the label to be not vulnerable from moisture, etc.
@oracle, Sorry, but I disagree. Paper Labels cause more problems than anything else I can think of. I have HUNDREDS of disks with paper labels on them that won't even make good land fill material.. I use them for coasters, mini frizbies and tie string to them and make mobils for my Great Grand Kids baby bed......... They have caused me more headaches than anything else I can think of and wouldn't suggest them to my worst enemy! Read my Sig.......... edit.. I have to add that the extra weight for the label and if it's just a minute off center will cause a heap of problems when spinning at the speed most DVD readers achieve...............
LMAO Unfortunately, I peed on the electric fence concerning labels when I first started burning... Avoid the labels...
i agree i have 75 movies i tried everything and nothing helped i took the label off of a few that were freezing and just ran them and now they work no more labels i got new printable dvd's and i am getting a new printer
Good judgment comes from experience, and a lot of that comes from bad judgment. Use paper labels and you'll know the meaning of that statement....