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Mods on old maps... can anyone help me?

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware mods' started by mc8, Dec 20, 2005.

  1. mc8

    mc8 Member

    Dec 6, 2005
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    I need help on how to mod old maps. Ive heard u need to put ur halo2 mods on ur xbox hardrive in order to mod old maps but i cant figure out exactly how to do that. If any1 can help i would really appriciate it.
  2. xvisionx

    xvisionx Guest

    are u using the stock hd or a larger one
  3. Uvlak

    Uvlak Guest

    You have to have hard mods or a mod chip to mod on old maps
  4. xvisionx

    xvisionx Guest

    um no u dont
  5. xvisionx

    xvisionx Guest

    one of my xboxs i use stock hd and have hlao 2 on it and mod old maps fine
  6. Uvlak

    Uvlak Guest

  7. xvisionx

    xvisionx Guest

    first off hard mods and mod chip=same thing.
  8. Uvlak

    Uvlak Guest

    Yeah you cant mod old maps by softmodding you have to have a chip

    PS:I dont know much about hard mods
  9. pasquale2

    pasquale2 Guest

    actually your wrong. you can mod old maps by softmodding but you can't get on xbox live. (unless theres a way i dont know about). you dont need hard mods just to mod the old maps
  10. xvisionx

    xvisionx Guest

    wow good job ppl its like this to softmod the old maps, ftp to xbox, copy d, paste in games, ffrom there play off hd or w/e u want

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