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Temporary Soft Mod Tutorial(Splinter)

Discussion in 'Xbox - Software discussion' started by xMod4Funx, Dec 22, 2005.

  1. xMod4Funx

    xMod4Funx Regular member

    Dec 22, 2005
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    This is a tutorial on how to install a temporary softmod for Splinter Cell. By temporary I mean the Dashboard is not always on, no installing.

    You will need:Un-modded XBOX,Action Replay,Splinter Cell, Computer Nearby.
    For FTP: Xbox to router,Pc to same router,Router to Internet. Basically both XBOX and PC connected to same router.

    Step 1:Download the Files to your [bold]DESKTOP[/bold]

    Step 2:Extract and Drag.
    Right click and extract it, then DONT extract the two files that come out of there. Load up Action Replay and make sure your memory card is cleared of all files and drag the downloaded files to your Memory Card section of Actrion Replay.

    Step 3:Copy to XBOX.
    When its done and on the Memory Card, take it out and put the card in your controller. In goes in the lower slot. Next, turn your XBOX on with disc tray open. Click on Memory>Controller 1(or w/e controller you have). Scroll down to the Splinter Cell save which looks like a red twirly sundae!!!Move your joystick roght untill the SAVE is higlighted and not the Game. Once Again SAVE not game. Next click and hit copy, and copy to your XBOX. Then do the same as you just did but instead of Splinter Cell it is Linux Installer.

    Step 4:Load the Dash.
    Restart your XBOX then open the tray, put in splinter cell and close the tray. WHen the game loads up click Start Game>Linux>Checkpoints. Your [bold]Temporary Dashboard[/bold] should now be up.

    Step 5:Connecting to your XBOX.
    Now get onto your PC and open up a new internet explorer site. On your dashboard go to system utils>setting. Find where it says IP address and keep it in your head. Now back to the internet explorer you opened and type ftp://xbox:xbox@your.ip.adress.here. The IP should be like, 192.168.x.xx. If folders with letters on them come CONGRATULATIONS.
    If not you can try FlashFXP and in there go F4 add a new site with IP Adress as your IP, Port 21, username and password xbox.

    Thanks for reading hope this helps.
    Any problems Im Me soccerfreak21192
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2005
  2. tomtid

    tomtid Member

    Dec 4, 2005
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    those files are corrupt. they dont work on extraction...Lowzy!!!!
  3. xMod4Funx

    xMod4Funx Regular member

    Dec 22, 2005
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    Sorry, didnt know what happened, I uploaded the .rar but it didnt work on download sorry Ill fix soon.

    EDIT:Linked Fixed
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2005
  4. dragonxiv

    dragonxiv Member

    Jan 10, 2006
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    Worked Great, Followed step by step counldn't have been any easier. Thanks

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